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Proceedings of the ICA
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Articles | Volume 1
16 May 2018
 | 16 May 2018

Displaying Annotations for Digitised Globes

Mátyás Gede and Anna Farbinger

Keywords: Digitised globes, Annotations, Cesium

Abstract. Thanks to the efforts of the various globe digitising projects, nowadays there are plenty of old globes that can be examined as 3D models on the computer screen. These globes usually contain a lot of interesting details that an average observer would not entirely discover for the first time. The authors developed a website that can display annotations for such digitised globes. These annotations help observers of the globe to discover all the important, interesting details. Annotations consist of a plain text title, a HTML formatted descriptive text and a corresponding polygon and are stored in KML format. The website is powered by the Cesium virtual globe engine.

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