Articles | Volume 1
16 May 2018
 | 16 May 2018

Revelation of ‘Hidden’ Balinese Geospatial Heritage on A Map

Dicky A.S. Soeria Atmadja, Ketut Wikantika, Agung Budi Harto, and Daffa Gifary M. Putra

Keywords: Bali, Balinese Culture, Geospatial Heritage, Tourism

Abstract. Bali is not just about beautiful nature. It also has a unique and interesting cultural heritage, including ‘hidden’ geospatial heritage. Tri Hita Karana is a Hinduism concept of life consisting of human relation to God, to other humans and to the nature (Parahiyangan, Pawongan and Palemahan), Based on it, – in term of geospatial aspect – the Balinese derived its spatial orientation, spatial planning & lay out, measurement as well as color and typography. Introducing these particular heritage would be a very interesting contribution to Bali tourism. As a respond to these issues, a question arise on how to reveal these unique and highly valuable geospatial heritage on a map which can be used to introduce and disseminate them to the tourists. Symbols (patterns & colors), orientation, distance, scale, layout and toponimy have been well known as elements of a map. There is an chance to apply Balinese geospatial heritage in representing these map elements.
