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Proceedings of the ICA
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Articles | Volume 4
03 Dec 2021
 | 03 Dec 2021

The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy

Piera Belotti, Fabio Conzi, Chiara Dell’Orto, Maurizio Federici, Luigi Fregonese, Gabriele Garnero, Emilio Guastamacchia, Franco Guzzetti, Livio Pinto, and Marco Scaioni

Keywords: Digital Mapping, Geodatabase, Regional Cartography, Topographic Database

Abstract. The Regional Topographic Geodatabase (DBTR) was officially defined in 2005 as the multi-scale (1:1,000 – 1:2,000 – 1:5,000 – 1:10,000) cartographic reference for urban and regional planning in Lombardy Region. The DBTR had been previously introduced at national level to take over traditional numerical topographic maps adopted for urban planning, with the aim to provide a base map to be implemented either at regional level (Regional Geoportal) and by local administrations. The DBTR is structured by following some national guidelines that define either the content and the topological structure, that makes simple its implementation in GIS environment. The construction of the entire DBTR has historically gone through different phases, with the consistent support of the regional subsidiary policy. But when the effects of the world economic crisis in 2008 became tangible in the budget of public administrations, the growth of the project faced an important break. In 2017 the administration of Lombardy Region has promoted and financed a new project finalized to the completion of the DBTR. A temporary association of mapping companies won the tender and completed the project by summer 2020, despite of the difficulties related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A team led by Politecnico di Milano was appointed for the quality assessment. The proposed paper would like to present this project and the operational solutions applied for the production of the new subsections of the DBTR, as well as its quality assessment/validation.

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