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Proceedings of the ICA
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Articles | Volume 1
16 May 2018
 | 16 May 2018

Brief retrospection on Hungarian school atlases

István Klinghammer and José Jesús Reyes Nuñez

Keywords: School cartography, school atlas, Kogutowicz, Hungarian Geographical Institute

Abstract. The first part of this article is dedicated to the history of Hungarian school atlases to the end of the 1st World War. Although the first maps included in a Hungarian textbook were probably made in 1751, the publication of atlases for schools is dated almost 50 years later, when professor Ézsáiás Budai created his “New School Atlas for elementary pupils” in 1800. This was followed by a long period of 90 years, when the school atlases were mostly translations and adaptations of foreign atlases, the majority of which were made in German-speaking countries. In those years, a school atlas made by a Hungarian astronomer, Antal Vállas, should be highlighted as a prominent independent piece of work. In 1890, a talented cartographer, Manó Kogutowicz founded the Hungarian Geographical Institute, which was the institution responsible for producing school atlases for the different types of schools in Hungary. The professional quality of the school atlases published by his institute was also recognized beyond the Hungarian borders by prizes won in international exhibitions. Kogutowicz laid the foundations of the current Hungarian school cartography: this statement is confirmed in the second part of this article, when three of his school atlases are presented in more detail to give examples of how the pupils were introduced to the basic cartographic and astronomic concepts as well as how different innovative solutions were used on the maps.

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