Articles | Volume 2
10 Jul 2019
 | 10 Jul 2019

Solution for indoor positioning using WIFI networks

Carolina Aguilar Aravena and Luciene Stamato Delazari

Keywords: Indoor Positioning, Open Source Software, Location Based Services

Abstract. The use of Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) has gained an exponential growth due to the high availability of infrastructure to carry out its development. In this context this work presents the development of an Open Source Software for indoor positioning with the use of WIFI networks, since in this type of environment the pedestrian needs a greater assistance for its location and navigation. The application was developed in Android Studio, with a database generated using the WIFI routers of the study area. In addition, the position of the user in real time is showed in a map. The positioning techniques used for this application were Proximity, Center of Mass and Trilateration. The results shows that it is possible to obtain a high level of agreement in the identification of building and floor. The results also show that it is possible to develop an indoor positioning application through WIFI networks.
