Articles | Volume 2
10 Jul 2019
 | 10 Jul 2019

Static Risk Mapping of Forest Fires in the Case of the Province of Chefchaouen (Morocco)

Malak Alasli

Keywords: forest fire, GIS, hazard mapping, risk assessment

Abstract. Forest fire is responsible for a lot of problems as it destroys the landscape. Such spaces are valuable and take very long to recover. Hence, the risk of forest fire consists primarily of both the risk of an outbreak and of propagation which depend, in addition to the weather, to a number of environmental factors including: the type of vegetation (structure and composition), its state of desiccation as well as the slope and exposure to prevailing winds. Therefore, the goal is to develop static hazard maps of a 100 m resolution related to the province of Chefchaouen where the focus is on three maps; Surface threatened; Annual pressure of fire; Probability map. The production of these maps is based on various data including statistics on the fire, meteorological references, and flammability. In addition, several data were generated, namely, wind direction, wind speed, humidity, the slope in percent, aspect, etc. The production of these maps will make it possible to orient and optimize the means of investment, in particular with regard to infrastructures, equipment and forest fire management operations.
