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Proceedings of the ICA
Journal topic
Articles | Volume 4
03 Dec 2021
 | 03 Dec 2021

Climate and Vine – Representation and communication of spatio-temporal relationships in the web application

Dominik Wieser and Karel Kriz

Keywords: climate, geo-communication, thematic maps, wine

Abstract. A central component of the web-based map application is the communication of the climatic conditions prevailing in the individual wine-growing regions. To accomplish this, it is necessary to obtain the relevant data and process it so that it can be converted into high-quality visualisations. Therefore, the goal is to develop a climate communication tool that is as flexible as possible, so that it is possible to display several meteorological parameters. Moreover, this visualisation should be appealing to experts as well as to laypersons. This paper shows how the data preparation and visualisation is managed so that these demands can be met. The result of the workflow are versatile climate and weather charts that are easy to interpret thanks to the inclusion of historical data. Furthermore, geocommunicative aspects are a central part of the concept through their assignment to wine origins from and visual properties that make the diagrams comparable with one another.

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