Anticipating the Flood. Community-based cartography for disaster flood events in Argentina
Ignacio Agustin Gatti,Federico Ariel Robledo,Sol Hurtado,Julieta Canneva,Diego Moreira,Mariano Re,Elodie Briche,Magdalena Falco,Leandro David Kazimierski,and Ana Paula Micou
Ignacio Agustin Gatti
Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Natural Resources Research Program, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Federico Ariel Robledo
Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Institut French-Argentine about Climate Studies and their Impacts, School of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Research Center of the Sea and Atmosphere, Council of Technical and Scientific Research, Secretary of Government of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Argentina
Sol Hurtado
Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Research Group about South American Economic Development, High Social Studies Institute, University of San Martín, Argentina
Julieta Canneva
Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Research Group about South American Economic Development, High Social Studies Institute, University of San Martín, Argentina
Diego Moreira
Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Institut French-Argentine about Climate Studies and their Impacts, School of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Research Center of the Sea and Atmosphere, Council of Technical and Scientific Research, Secretary of Government of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Argentina
Mariano Re
National Water Institute, Argentina
Department of Hydraulic, Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Elodie Briche
Magdalena Falco
Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Institut French-Argentine about Climate Studies and their Impacts, School of Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Research Center of the Sea and Atmosphere, Council of Technical and Scientific Research, Secretary of Government of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Argentina
Leandro David Kazimierski
National Water Institute, Argentina
Department of Hydraulic, Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ana Paula Micou
National Geographic Institute, Argentina
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