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Proceedings of the ICA
Journal topic
Articles | Volume 2
10 Jul 2019
 | 10 Jul 2019

Combined GPS and motion-tracker data for activity levels and various route selections in everyday travel

Kaito Yoshida, Madoka Nakajima, and Takashi Morita

Keywords: Urban design, Physical activity, Location-based data, Route selection, Shortest path

Abstract. This study used location and physical-activity data to test hypothesis that Tokyo’s residents exercise more because they walk to and from public transit stations for daily trips. An activity tracker and a mobile app were used by ten subjects over 48 days to collect data. Analysis of the dataset showed that on an average, all subjects walked over 10,000 steps per day and ∼40% of trips were taken in outdoor urban environments. Results also revealed that the subjects did not always take the shortest path between the origin and destination of a walking trip. These results suggest that urban residents choose routes of travel based on both internal and external factors, including the subjective effects of street design and personal preference.

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