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Volume 4, 2021 – Author index
Volume 4
Volume 4
Volume 4, 2021 – Author index
Abbas, A. M.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
Abdel Fattah, T.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
Abdul Halim, D.
Education 4.0 in cartography: an integrated e-learning materials portal for cartography and digital mapping course
, pages 1–8
Abdul Rasam, A. R.
Education 4.0 in cartography: an integrated e-learning materials portal for cartography and digital mapping course
, pages 1–8
Abimbola, I. I.
Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Surface Water Quality in an Agrarian Community, SW Nigeria Using Globe Protocol
, pages 1–7
Aguilera, G.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Akinwumiju, A.
Assessment of Gold Mining Impact on the Vegetation of Itagunmodi-Igun Drainage Basin, Southwestern Nigeria from 1972–2011: A Remote Sensing
, pages 1–6
Akinwumiju, A. S.
Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Surface Water Quality in an Agrarian Community, SW Nigeria Using Globe Protocol
, pages 1–7
Alasli, M.
Hungarian place names from a Moroccan perspective
, pages 1–5
Albert, G.
Route planning on orienteering maps with least-cost path analysis
, pages 1–7
Geodiversity mapping of the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary
, pages 1–6
Amoako, E. A.
A spatial Analysis of Crime and Neighborhood Characteristics in Detroit Census Block Groups
, pages 1–8
A Spatial Analysis of Robbery Rate in the City of Detroit using Exploratory Data Analysis Approach
, pages 1–8
Amodio, T.
Georeferenced Cartography and Landscape: the Protection of the Monumental Olive Heritage
, pages 1–7
Amorim, F. R.
Classification of Dynamic Cartographic Symbols applied to Augmented Reality (AR) Systems
, pages 1–8
Ariza-López, F. J.
Horizontal accuracy assessment of a novel algorithm for approximate a surface to a DEM
, pages 1–5
Arriaza, C.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Arístegui Cortijo, A.
Digital transformation in topographic databases
, pages 1–6
Arístegui, A.
Monograph –
The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain
, pages 1–8
Assenat, M.
Analysis of urban elements orientations to characterize the spatial extension of the foundation of the Roman city of Amida
, pages 1–8
Atanasova, M.
Application of InSAR satellite method for mapping of active landslides in Bulgaria – opportunities and perspectives
, pages 1–6
Ballal, H.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
Bandrova, T.
A set of criteria for evaluating map application design in a mobile environment
, pages 1–8
Baracca, G.
Measuring Physical access to primary health care facilities in Gambella Region (Western Ethiopia)
, pages 1–8
Barrera, D.
Horizontal accuracy assessment of a novel algorithm for approximate a surface to a DEM
, pages 1–5
Bataille, L.
Tectonics of cartography
, pages 1–8
Battino, S.
The sustainable tourism organization of rural spaces. The island of Sardinia in the era of "staycation"
, pages 1–8
Belotti, P.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Bernasconi, A.
Geo-online explanatory data visualization tools as crisis management and communication instruments
, pages 1–8
Bertacchini, M.
New approaches to communicating and educating through the use of historical maps
, pages 1–7
Cartography and pilgrimage trails. Tradition, modernity, and tourism
, pages 1–8
Bogenberger, K.
Movement Patterns of Electric Cargo Bike Commuters – First Insights from Field Experiments and Trajectory Analyses
, pages 1–4
Designing Maps for Bicycling Simulator Studies – three practical Approaches
, pages 1–4
Boluda, A.
The Automated Map. Public innovation for the generation of the National Topographic Map of Spain
, pages 1–7
Brando, C.
Place names in Spanish Republican Life Stories: spatial patterns in locations and perceptions
, pages 1–9
Brannstrom, C.
Participatory Mapping and SWOT in the context of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus for attaining SDGs in Eastern Amazonia
, pages 1–8
Breier, M.
Beyond East and West – Geocommunicating Historical Sacred Landscapes
, pages 1–5
Brundu, B.
The sustainable tourism organization of rural spaces. The island of Sardinia in the era of "staycation"
, pages 1–8
Brédif, M.
Cluttering Reduction for Interactive Navigation and Visualization of Historical Images
, pages 1–7
Bělka, L.
New topographic maps for the Czech Armed Forces
, pages 1–7
Le Borgne, E.
Data heterogeneity and oldness, two difficulties to overcome for the world seabed sediment mapping
, pages 1–7
Calvo, C.
Routing on Geospatial Reference Information for Transport Networks of Spain
, pages 1–5
Campo, V.
The INSPIRE harmonisation: the Geological Map of Italy at 1:100,000 scale
, pages 1–4
Camón Soteres, L.
Digital transformation in topographic databases
, pages 1–6
Capone, A.
Harvesting social media with artificial intelligence for medical threats mapping and analytics
, pages 1–8
Castellanos, I.
Mapping Autistic Wayfinding in Urban Environments
, pages 1–4
Cavell, A.
Maps hiding in plain sight
, pages 1–4
Ceralli, D.
The “Carta della Natura” project: the case study of Molise region
, pages 1–7
Chassin, T.
How do users interact with Virtual Geographic Environments? Users’ behavior evaluation in urban participatory planning
, pages 1–8
Che, X.
Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on optimized support vector machine
, pages 1–4
Chen, J.
Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on optimized support vector machine
, pages 1–4
Chen, Y.
A Framework of Pan-maps: facilitating a unification of Maps and Map-likes
, pages 1–8
Christophe, S.
How do users interact with Virtual Geographic Environments? Users’ behavior evaluation in urban participatory planning
, pages 1–8
COVID-19 geoviz for spatio-temporal structures detection
, pages 1–8
Cluttering Reduction for Interactive Navigation and Visualization of Historical Images
, pages 1–7
Chuprikova, E.
Effect of Geospatial Uncertainty Borderization on Users’ Heuristic Reasoning
, pages 1–8
Cibilić, I.
Implementing Augmented reality in Tourism
, pages 1–5
Clarke, M.
Maps hiding in plain sight
, pages 1–4
Congi, M. P.
The INSPIRE harmonisation: the Geological Map of Italy at 1:100,000 scale
, pages 1–4
Conzi, F.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Cubillos, B.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Dai Prà, E.
Representing the War. Early Twentieth Century Maps and Models in the Fonds of the Italian War History Museum in Rovereto
, pages 1–8
David, W.
Harvesting social media with artificial intelligence for medical threats mapping and analytics
, pages 1–8
Dell’Orto, C.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Derdouri, A.
Exploring the Differences Between Tourists and Locals in Urban Settings Through Multi-labeled Geotagged Photos: The Case of Tokyo
, pages 1–8
Desclaux-Salachas, J.
The Treasure Map of the citizen childhood
, pages 1–8
Tectonics of cartography
, pages 1–8
Dickmann, F.
Changes of Locomotion Speed Affect Distance Estimations in Virtual Reality
, pages 1–5
Ding, L.
Visualizing Spatiotemporal Epidemic Clusters on a Map-based Dashboard: A case study of early COVID-19 cases in Singapore
, pages 1–5
Dohnal, F.
New topographic maps for the Czech Armed Forces
, pages 1–7
Dominguès, C.
Place names in Spanish Republican Life Stories: spatial patterns in locations and perceptions
, pages 1–9
Lived and perceived space during lock-down in a sensitive map approach
, pages 1–8
Dong, Z.-Y.
An Advanced Dynamic Visualization Method of Global Ocean Tide with Multi-core Processor Based on OpenGL
, pages 1–4
Drugeon, A.
COVID-19 geoviz for spatio-temporal structures detection
, pages 1–8
Dusek, B.
Automatic mapping of traffic signs
, pages 1–6
D’Angeli, C.
The “Carta della Natura” project: the case study of Molise region
, pages 1–7
Eager, M. K.
Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring
, pages 1–4
Eddargani, S.
Horizontal accuracy assessment of a novel algorithm for approximate a surface to a DEM
, pages 1–5
Edler, D.
Changes of Locomotion Speed Affect Distance Estimations in Virtual Reality
, pages 1–5
El-Kafrawy, S.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
El-Sayed, H.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
El-Shafie, A.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
Expósito, Á.
Routing on Geospatial Reference Information for Transport Networks of Spain
, pages 1–5
De Falco, S.
Remote sensing based on time variance control in configurable area partitioning
, pages 1–9
Fantozzi, P. L.
Measuring Physical access to primary health care facilities in Gambella Region (Western Ethiopia)
, pages 1–8
Fau, B.
COVID-19 geoviz for spatio-temporal structures detection
, pages 1–8
Fazilova, D.
Updating of digital topographic maps in the new national spatial coordinate system: case Fergana valley in Uzbekistan
, pages 1–5
Federici, M.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Fehn, F.
Movement Patterns of Electric Cargo Bike Commuters – First Insights from Field Experiments and Trajectory Analyses
, pages 1–4
Fiorentino, G.
Remote sensing based on time variance control in configurable area partitioning
, pages 1–9
Fornasari, C.
Historical Cartography and Sustainable Tourism Development. Reconnecting Trento and the Fersina Stream through the Retrieval of Environmental and Cultural Heritage
, pages 1–8
Frangeš, S.
Combining multiple shaded reliefs with hypsometric colouring and digital orthophotos using free and open-source software
, pages 1–7
Interactive Map of Coronavirus Spread in Croatia
, pages 1–7
Fregonese, L.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Friend, J.
Testing approaches to visualize land cover/land use changes in time series with Web GIS microservice tools
, pages 1–8
Gabellieri, N.
Bridging research and dissemination in the CoViD-19 era: a WebGIS dashboard for the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
, pages 1–8
Gabelotaud, I.
Data heterogeneity and oldness, two difficulties to overcome for the world seabed sediment mapping
, pages 1–7
Gallardo, P.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Garlan, T.
Data heterogeneity and oldness, two difficulties to overcome for the world seabed sediment mapping
, pages 1–7
Garnero, G.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Gartner, G.
A generations view on SDG – using the central role of maps
, pages 1–5
A social media-based framework for tourist behaviour analysis and characterization in urban environments
, pages 1–8
Driving and navigation habits of Austrian drivers
, pages 1–8
Gartner, M.
LBS as Vectors of Influence
, pages 1–8
Gautier, J.
COVID-19 geoviz for spatio-temporal structures detection
, pages 1–8
Gede, M.
Automatic mapping of traffic signs
, pages 1–6
Automatic Georeferencing of Topographic Map Sheets Using OpenCV and Tesseract
, pages 1–4
Automatic vectorization of point symbols on archive maps using deep convolutional neural network
, pages 1–5
Gercsák, G.
The new National Atlas of Hungary – volume Society
, pages 1–6
The Perczel Project (2007–2019)
, pages 1–8
A new interactive gazetteer of Perczel’s globe
, pages 1–5
Geri, F.
Bridging research and dissemination in the CoViD-19 era: a WebGIS dashboard for the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
, pages 1–8
Girres, J.-F.
Analysis of urban elements orientations to characterize the spatial extension of the foundation of the Roman city of Amida
, pages 1–8
Glišović, J.
Serbian Atlases in the 19th and Early 20th Century
, pages 1–8
González, A.
Routing on Geospatial Reference Information for Transport Networks of Spain
, pages 1–5
The Automated Map. Public innovation for the generation of the National Topographic Map of Spain
, pages 1–7
Gorayeb, A.
Participatory Mapping and SWOT in the context of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus for attaining SDGs in Eastern Amazonia
, pages 1–8
Gordova, Y.
Russian School of Toponymical Cartography
, pages 1–8
Grandi, S.
Geo-online explanatory data visualization tools as crisis management and communication instruments
, pages 1–8
Grigoropoulos, G.
Designing Maps for Bicycling Simulator Studies – three practical Approaches
, pages 1–4
Guallart Moreno, C.
Educational uses of Cartography. An example on the use of GIS to deal with depopulation by skill processes
, pages 1–7
Guastamacchia, E.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Guo, R.
A Framework of Pan-maps: facilitating a unification of Maps and Map-likes
, pages 1–8
Guzzetti, F.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
van Gasselt, S.
50 Years of Sensor-Based Planetary Cartography: Review and Perspectives
, pages 1–8
Hajdú, E.
The digital cartographic reconstruction of the 1897 ‘Mátra Guide’ (Hungary)
, pages 1–7
Hajek, B.
Large Scaled Topographic Mapping and Issues in Depicting VGI and Open Data
, pages 1–6
Hare, T.
50 Years of Sensor-Based Planetary Cartography: Review and Perspectives
, pages 1–8
Hargitai, H.
50 Years of Sensor-Based Planetary Cartography: Review and Perspectives
, pages 1–8
Herzen, A.
Russian School of Toponymical Cartography
, pages 1–8
Herzen, O.
Russian School of Toponymical Cartography
, pages 1–8
Holloway, P.
Forensic mapping in a civil proceeding in South Africa
, pages 1–7
Hruby, F.
Mapping Autistic Wayfinding in Urban Environments
, pages 1–4
Huiber, J.
A set of criteria for evaluating map application design in a mobile environment
, pages 1–8
Hum, Z.
A multicity investigation on Fear of Crime
, pages 1–4
Hurni, L.
A survey on the evolution of the Chinese cadastral system
, pages 1–6
Ibáñez, M. J.
Horizontal accuracy assessment of a novel algorithm for approximate a surface to a DEM
, pages 1–5
Idrizi, B.
Redefining of “EPSG” and “PROJ” for current State Coordinate Reference System of the Republic of North Macedonia
, pages 1–8
Mapping the surrounding environment by pupils. Case study: Primary school “Ismail Qemali” in Chair - Skopje
, pages 1–6
Ilić, Ž.
Serbian Atlases in the 19th and Early 20th Century
, pages 1–8
Imamura, S.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
Ingensand, J.
How do users interact with Virtual Geographic Environments? Users’ behavior evaluation in urban participatory planning
, pages 1–8
Inglis, K.
Forensic mapping in a civil proceeding in South Africa
, pages 1–7
Ivić, M.
Overview of the charts representing eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea through centuries and a comparison of Piri Reis symbology usage with an INT 1 content
, pages 1–7
Jahnke, M.
Testing approaches to visualize land cover/land use changes in time series with Web GIS microservice tools
, pages 1–8
Jiao, C.
A survey on the evolution of the Chinese cadastral system
, pages 1–6
Jobst, M.
A generations view on SDG – using the central role of maps
, pages 1–5
Jolivet, L.
Place names in Spanish Republican Life Stories: spatial patterns in locations and perceptions
, pages 1–9
Lived and perceived space during lock-down in a sensitive map approach
, pages 1–8
Mapping and characterizing animals’ places of interest in forest environment
, pages 1–9
Jones, B.
Maps hiding in plain sight
, pages 1–4
Jordão, B. G. F.
Challenges in the teaching of Cartography during the COVID-19 pandemic: use of Minecraft in the remote classroom setting
, pages 1–7
Jovanović, D.
Analysis of historical cartography and data presentation for an educational purpose: The case of the historical centre of Vimercate
, pages 1–8
Juliasz, P. C. S.
Children’s graphic representation as a language and its role in preschool education under a whole-child approach
, pages 1–7
Kalinic, M.
Determining traffic congestion utilizing a fuzzy logic model and Floating Car Data (FCD)
, pages 1–8
Kareem Zada, A. A.
Novel Cartographical Designs for Blind and Partially Impaired Students in Kurdistan
, pages 1–3
Karpinskyi, Y.
Automation of quality control of digital topographic maps at the scale 1:50 000 of the Main State Topographic Map in Ukraine
, pages 1–7
Kashyap, A.
Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring
, pages 1–4
Kastrisios, C.
Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring
, pages 1–4
Keil, J.
Changes of Locomotion Speed Affect Distance Estimations in Virtual Reality
, pages 1–5
Keler, A.
Movement Patterns of Electric Cargo Bike Commuters – First Insights from Field Experiments and Trajectory Analyses
, pages 1–4
Designing Maps for Bicycling Simulator Studies – three practical Approaches
, pages 1–4
Kessler, L.
Movement Patterns of Electric Cargo Bike Commuters – First Insights from Field Experiments and Trajectory Analyses
, pages 1–4
Kilić, J.
Overview of the charts representing eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea through centuries and a comparison of Piri Reis symbology usage with an INT 1 content
, pages 1–7
Kim, E.-K.
Multi-Year Spatial Variability of the Impact of Sociodemographic, Behavioural, and Health Factors on Depression of Older Adults
, pages 1–8
Kin, D.
Automation of quality control of digital topographic maps at the scale 1:50 000 of the Main State Topographic Map in Ukraine
, pages 1–7
King-Okoye, M.
Harvesting social media with artificial intelligence for medical threats mapping and analytics
, pages 1–8
Knura, M.
Map Evaluation under COVID-19 restrictions: A new visual approach based on think aloud interviews
, pages 1–6
Kocsis, K.
The new National Atlas of Hungary – volume Society
, pages 1–6
Kohlbrenner, S. M.
Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring
, pages 1–4
Korn, F.
VIRUS Atlas Austria – COVID-19, labor market and demography at a glance
, pages 1–3
Korte, A.
Changes of Locomotion Speed Affect Distance Estimations in Virtual Reality
, pages 1–5
Kovács, B.
Automatic vectorization of rectangular manmade objects: a case study applying OpenCV and GDAL on UAV imagery
, pages 1–5
Driving and navigation habits of Austrian drivers
, pages 1–8
Krisp, J. M.
Determining traffic congestion utilizing a fuzzy logic model and Floating Car Data (FCD)
, pages 1–8
Kriz, K.
Beyond East and West – Geocommunicating Historical Sacred Landscapes
, pages 1–5
Large Scaled Topographic Mapping and Issues in Depicting VGI and Open Data
, pages 1–6
VIRUS Atlas Austria – COVID-19, labor market and demography at a glance
, pages 1–3 – the world’s first nationwide information and presentation system of all wine estates
, pages 1–5
Climate and Vine – Representation and communication of spatio-temporal relationships in the web application
, pages 1–8
Laguna Marín-Yaseli, M.
Educational uses of Cartography. An example on the use of GIS to deal with depopulation by skill processes
, pages 1–7
Lapaine, M.
Conic Projections with Three or More Standard Parallels
, pages 1–6
Laureti, L.
The “Carta della Natura” project: the case study of Molise region
, pages 1–7
Lavaj, M.
Where to hike? Mobile application for guiding tourists in the Bükkalja Region, Hungary
, pages 1–6
Lazorenko-Hevel, N.
Automation of quality control of digital topographic maps at the scale 1:50 000 of the Main State Topographic Map in Ukraine
, pages 1–7
Lets, O.
Automation of quality control of digital topographic maps at the scale 1:50 000 of the Main State Topographic Map in Ukraine
, pages 1–7
Li, Z.
A Framework of Pan-maps: facilitating a unification of Maps and Map-likes
, pages 1–8
Libertini, L.
Effect of Geospatial Uncertainty Borderization on Users’ Heuristic Reasoning
, pages 1–8
Lin, R.
Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on optimized support vector machine
, pages 1–4
Liu, J.
Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on optimized support vector machine
, pages 1–4
Liu, T.-Y.
An Advanced Dynamic Visualization Method of Global Ocean Tide with Multi-core Processor Based on OpenGL
, pages 1–4
Lobo, M.-J.
COVID-19 geoviz for spatio-temporal structures detection
, pages 1–8
Please, Help Me! I Am Lost in Zoom
, pages 1–4
Loginov, D. S.
Web technologies in cartographic support of geological exploration
, pages 1–6
Lucas, S.
Data heterogeneity and oldness, two difficulties to overcome for the world seabed sediment mapping
, pages 1–7
Luft, J.
Content-based Image Retrieval for Map Georeferencing
, pages 1–8
Ma, D.
A Framework of Pan-maps: facilitating a unification of Maps and Map-likes
, pages 1–8
Mackaness, W. A.
Please, Help Me! I Am Lost in Zoom
, pages 1–4
Magdiev, H.
Updating of digital topographic maps in the new national spatial coordinate system: case Fergana valley in Uzbekistan
, pages 1–5
Malcolm, P.
Designing Maps for Bicycling Simulator Studies – three practical Approaches
, pages 1–4
Maldonado, A.
The Automated Map. Public innovation for the generation of the National Topographic Map of Spain
, pages 1–7
Malıt, V.
Analysis of urban elements orientations to characterize the spatial extension of the foundation of the Roman city of Amida
, pages 1–8
Manca, I.
The sustainable tourism organization of rural spaces. The island of Sardinia in the era of "staycation"
, pages 1–8
Manenti, F.
Measuring Physical access to primary health care facilities in Gambella Region (Western Ethiopia)
, pages 1–8
Marchès, E.
Data heterogeneity and oldness, two difficulties to overcome for the world seabed sediment mapping
, pages 1–7
Marinova, S.
Design of an Atlas of Significant Natural Disasters
, pages 1–6
Marquez, J. O.
Interactive Web Maps: Usability Heuristics Proposal
, pages 1–8
Martín-Asín López, G.
Digital transformation in topographic databases
, pages 1–6
Masson, F.
Mapping and characterizing animals’ places of interest in forest environment
, pages 1–9
Medak, D.
Combining multiple shaded reliefs with hypsometric colouring and digital orthophotos using free and open-source software
, pages 1–7
Meirelles, P.
Interactive Web Maps: Usability Heuristics Proposal
, pages 1–8
Meng, H.
An Advanced Dynamic Visualization Method of Global Ocean Tide with Multi-core Processor Based on OpenGL
, pages 1–4
Meng, L.
Effect of Geospatial Uncertainty Borderization on Users’ Heuristic Reasoning
, pages 1–8
Mermet, É.
Lived and perceived space during lock-down in a sensitive map approach
, pages 1–8
Mesev, V.
Bivariate representation of population density using public and private drinking and wastewater infrastructure
, pages 1–6
Moioli, R.
Analysis of historical cartography and data presentation for an educational purpose: The case of the historical centre of Vimercate
, pages 1–8
Monti, G. M.
The INSPIRE harmonisation: the Geological Map of Italy at 1:100,000 scale
, pages 1–4
Morais, C. F. D.
Geodesign as a support for proposing actions to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals
, pages 1–8
Moreno Vergara, G.
Digital transformation in topographic databases
, pages 1–6
Moura, A. C. M.
Geodesign as a support for proposing actions to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals
, pages 1–8
Muehlenhaus, I.
Please, Help Me! I Am Lost in Zoom
, pages 1–4
Márton, M.
The Perczel Project (2007–2019)
, pages 1–8
A new interactive gazetteer of Perczel’s globe
, pages 1–5
Nass, A.
50 Years of Sensor-Based Planetary Cartography: Review and Perspectives
, pages 1–8
Nemerkényi, Z.
The new National Atlas of Hungary – volume Society
, pages 1–6
Neugebauer, L.
Beyond East and West – Geocommunicating Historical Sacred Landscapes
, pages 1–5
Nikolov, H.
Application of InSAR satellite method for mapping of active landslides in Bulgaria – opportunities and perspectives
, pages 1–6
Nuñez, H.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Nyberg, J. E.
Geographic Factors for Managing Cruise Ship Destination Port to Attraction Passenger Transfer in the Caribbean Region
, pages 1–8
Ogundeji, S. E.
Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Surface Water Quality in an Agrarian Community, SW Nigeria Using Globe Protocol
, pages 1–7
Oladepo, D.
Assessment of Gold Mining Impact on the Vegetation of Itagunmodi-Igun Drainage Basin, Southwestern Nigeria from 1972–2011: A Remote Sensing
, pages 1–6
Oladepo, O.
Assessment of Gold Mining Impact on the Vegetation of Itagunmodi-Igun Drainage Basin, Southwestern Nigeria from 1972–2011: A Remote Sensing
, pages 1–6
Modeling Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-19) Incidence across Conterminous US Counties: A Spatial Perspective
, pages 1–9
Oluwafemi, O.
Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Surface Water Quality in an Agrarian Community, SW Nigeria Using Globe Protocol
, pages 1–7
Assessment of Gold Mining Impact on the Vegetation of Itagunmodi-Igun Drainage Basin, Southwestern Nigeria from 1972–2011: A Remote Sensing
, pages 1–6
Modeling Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2019 (SARS-CoV-19) Incidence across Conterminous US Counties: A Spatial Perspective
, pages 1–9
Oluwasegun, A. H.
Thematic Mapping of COVID-19 Spread in Nigeria: A Tool for Pandemic Rapid Containment Measures
, pages 1–4
Oreni, D.
Analysis of historical cartography and data presentation for an educational purpose: The case of the historical centre of Vimercate
, pages 1–8
Ortíz, Á.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Osaragi, T.
Exploring the Differences Between Tourists and Locals in Urban Settings Through Multi-labeled Geotagged Photos: The Case of Tokyo
, pages 1–8
O‘Meara, D.
Changes of Locomotion Speed Affect Distance Estimations in Virtual Reality
, pages 1–5
Paiz-Reyes, E.
Cluttering Reduction for Interactive Navigation and Visualization of Historical Images
, pages 1–7
Pantaloni, M.
The INSPIRE harmonisation: the Geological Map of Italy at 1:100,000 scale
, pages 1–4
Parada, I.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Pashova, L.
Application of InSAR satellite method for mapping of active landslides in Bulgaria – opportunities and perspectives
, pages 1–6
Pe’eri, S.
Geographic Factors for Managing Cruise Ship Destination Port to Attraction Passenger Transfer in the Caribbean Region
, pages 1–8
Phommachanh, N. T.
Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring
, pages 1–4
Pinto, L.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Piovan, S. E.
Harvesting social media with artificial intelligence for medical threats mapping and analytics
, pages 1–8
Podda, C.
Cartography and pilgrimage trails. Tradition, modernity, and tourism
, pages 1–8
Porras-Bernardez, F.
A social media-based framework for tourist behaviour analysis and characterization in urban environments
, pages 1–8
Poslončec-Petrić, V.
Implementing Augmented reality in Tourism
, pages 1–5
Pranzo, A. M. R.
Bridging research and dissemination in the CoViD-19 era: a WebGIS dashboard for the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
, pages 1–8
Mapping the avalanche risk: from survey to cartographic production. The avalanche bulletin of the Meteomont Service of the Alpine Troops Command
, pages 1–8
Pratt, R.
Maps hiding in plain sight
, pages 1–4
Prieto, S.
The Automated Map. Public innovation for the generation of the National Topographic Map of Spain
, pages 1–7
Primerano, P.
The INSPIRE harmonisation: the Geological Map of Italy at 1:100,000 scale
, pages 1–4
Pucher, A.
Beyond East and West – Geocommunicating Historical Sacred Landscapes
, pages 1–5
VIRUS Atlas Austria – COVID-19, labor market and demography at a glance
, pages 1–3 – the world’s first nationwide information and presentation system of all wine estates
, pages 1–5
Putoto, G.
Measuring Physical access to primary health care facilities in Gambella Region (Western Ethiopia)
, pages 1–8
Pál, M.
The digital cartographic reconstruction of the 1897 ‘Mátra Guide’ (Hungary)
, pages 1–7
Geodiversity mapping of the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary
, pages 1–6
Where to hike? Mobile application for guiding tourists in the Bükkalja Region, Hungary
, pages 1–6
Automatic vectorization of rectangular manmade objects: a case study applying OpenCV and GDAL on UAV imagery
, pages 1–5
Pérez, A.
The Automated Map. Public innovation for the generation of the National Topographic Map of Spain
, pages 1–7
Pődör, A.
A multicity investigation on Fear of Crime
, pages 1–4
de la Paz Navas, M.
The Automated Map. Public innovation for the generation of the National Topographic Map of Spain
, pages 1–7
Quesada, F.
The Automated Map. Public innovation for the generation of the National Topographic Map of Spain
, pages 1–7
Racetin, I.
Overview of the charts representing eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea through centuries and a comparison of Piri Reis symbology usage with an INT 1 content
, pages 1–7
Ramminger, G.
Testing approaches to visualize land cover/land use changes in time series with Web GIS microservice tools
, pages 1–8
Rapisarda, A.
Historical Cartography and Sustainable Tourism Development. Reconnecting Trento and the Fersina Stream through the Retrieval of Environmental and Cultural Heritage
, pages 1–8
Mapping the avalanche risk: from survey to cartographic production. The avalanche bulletin of the Meteomont Service of the Alpine Troops Command
, pages 1–8
Reinoso-Gordo, J. F.
Horizontal accuracy assessment of a novel algorithm for approximate a surface to a DEM
, pages 1–5
Reyes, C.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Rice, M.
Geographic Factors for Managing Cruise Ship Destination Port to Attraction Passenger Transfer in the Caribbean Region
, pages 1–8
Enhancing Participatory Development in Morocco: Analyzing the Sketch Mapping Behaviour of Men and Women and Integrating Paper and Digital Participatory Mapping Environments
, pages 1–8
Robledo Ceballos, J.
Interoperability at the core strategic in the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Service Aerophotogrammetric of the Air Force of Chile
, pages 1–5
Rogulj, K.
Overview of the charts representing eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea through centuries and a comparison of Piri Reis symbology usage with an INT 1 content
, pages 1–7
Romero, R.
Horizontal accuracy assessment of a novel algorithm for approximate a surface to a DEM
, pages 1–5
Rozas, S.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Rubio, W.
Making progress in determining quality: positional accuracy of the new 1:25,000 scale digital cartography
, pages 1–5
Rupić, L.
Interactive Map of Coronavirus Spread in Croatia
, pages 1–7
De Santi, V.
Representing the War. Early Twentieth Century Maps and Models in the Fonds of the Italian War History Museum in Rovereto
, pages 1–8
Saïd, S.
Mapping and characterizing animals’ places of interest in forest environment
, pages 1–9
Scaglione, G.
Representing the War. Early Twentieth Century Maps and Models in the Fonds of the Italian War History Museum in Rovereto
, pages 1–8
Scaioni, M.
The Project to Complete the Regional Topographic Geodatabase in Lombardy, Italy
, pages 1–8
Schaab, G.
Extending the cartographic capabilities of desktop GIS – Implementing less common statistical mapping methods as web services together with students
, pages 1–8
Schiewe, J.
Map Evaluation under COVID-19 restrictions: A new visual approach based on think aloud interviews
, pages 1–6
Content-based Image Retrieval for Map Georeferencing
, pages 1–8
Data classification methods for preserving spatial patterns
, pages 1–6
Schmidt, M. A. R.
Classification of Dynamic Cartographic Symbols applied to Augmented Reality (AR) Systems
, pages 1–8
Schmidt, V.
Toward a Marine Road Network for Ship Passage Planning and Monitoring
, pages 1–4
Schmitz, P.
Forensic mapping in a civil proceeding in South Africa
, pages 1–7
Schulz, M.
A set of criteria for evaluating map application design in a mobile environment
, pages 1–8
Sears, D.
Across Edges: Art to Cartography; One Landscape to the Next
, pages 1–7
Secchi, P.
Cartography and pilgrimage trails. Tradition, modernity, and tourism
, pages 1–8
Selimi, N.
Mapping the surrounding environment by pupils. Case study: Primary school “Ismail Qemali” in Chair - Skopje
, pages 1–6
Sena, C. C. R. G. D.
Challenges in the teaching of Cartography during the COVID-19 pandemic: use of Minecraft in the remote classroom setting
, pages 1–7
Sensidoni, G.
Harvesting social media with artificial intelligence for medical threats mapping and analytics
, pages 1–8
Seten, S.
Lived and perceived space during lock-down in a sensitive map approach
, pages 1–8
Shi, Z.-Y.
An Advanced Dynamic Visualization Method of Global Ocean Tide with Multi-core Processor Based on OpenGL
, pages 1–4
Sigura, M.
Georeferencing skills and student profile. Results from a multivariate regression model
, pages 1–6
Siteva, D.
Design of an Atlas of Significant Natural Disasters
, pages 1–6
Slocum, S. L.
Geographic Factors for Managing Cruise Ship Destination Port to Attraction Passenger Transfer in the Caribbean Region
, pages 1–8
Soliman, M.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
Stern, C.
Extending the cartographic capabilities of desktop GIS – Implementing less common statistical mapping methods as web services together with students
, pages 1–8
Enhancing Participatory Development in Morocco: Analyzing the Sketch Mapping Behaviour of Men and Women and Integrating Paper and Digital Participatory Mapping Environments
, pages 1–8
Strode, G.
Bivariate representation of population density using public and private drinking and wastewater infrastructure
, pages 1–6
Sánchez, F.
Monograph –
The COVID-19 pandemic in Spain
, pages 1–8
Sárközy, Z.
Route planning on orienteering maps with least-cost path analysis
, pages 1–7
da Silva, R. B.
Participatory Mapping and SWOT in the context of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus for attaining SDGs in Eastern Amazonia
, pages 1–8
da Silva, T. S.
Interactive Web Maps: Usability Heuristics Proposal
, pages 1–8
Della Torre, S.
Analysis of historical cartography and data presentation for an educational purpose: The case of the historical centre of Vimercate
, pages 1–8
Talhofer, V.
New topographic maps for the Czech Armed Forces
, pages 1–7
Tavares, G. U.
Participatory Mapping and SWOT in the context of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus for attaining SDGs in Eastern Amazonia
, pages 1–8
Tian, T.
Multi-Year Spatial Variability of the Impact of Sociodemographic, Behavioural, and Health Factors on Depression of Older Adults
, pages 1–8
Tominić, K.
Implementing Augmented reality in Tourism
, pages 1–5
Touya, G.
How do users interact with Virtual Geographic Environments? Users’ behavior evaluation in urban participatory planning
, pages 1–8
COVID-19 geoviz for spatio-temporal structures detection
, pages 1–8
Please, Help Me! I Am Lost in Zoom
, pages 1–4
Turchi, L. M.
New approaches to communicating and educating through the use of historical maps
, pages 1–7
Túri, Z.
Where to hike? Mobile application for guiding tourists in the Bükkalja Region, Hungary
, pages 1–6
de Tomás, J. A.
The Automated Map. Public innovation for the generation of the National Topographic Map of Spain
, pages 1–7
Ungvári, Z.
A new interactive gazetteer of Perczel’s globe
, pages 1–5
Usami, T.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
Varga, L.
Automatic Georeferencing of Topographic Map Sheets Using OpenCV and Tesseract
, pages 1–4
Vassányi, G.
Automatic vectorization of point symbols on archive maps using deep convolutional neural network
, pages 1–5
Velilla Gil, J.
Educational uses of Cartography. An example on the use of GIS to deal with depopulation by skill processes
, pages 1–7
Ventura, R.
The INSPIRE harmonisation: the Geological Map of Italy at 1:100,000 scale
, pages 1–4
Vieira, F. C. D. V.
Geodesign as a support for proposing actions to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals
, pages 1–8
Vinković, A.
Combining multiple shaded reliefs with hypsometric colouring and digital orthophotos using free and open-source software
, pages 1–7
Interactive Map of Coronavirus Spread in Croatia
, pages 1–7
Vörös, F.
Automatic vectorization of rectangular manmade objects: a case study applying OpenCV and GDAL on UAV imagery
, pages 1–5
Driving and navigation habits of Austrian drivers
, pages 1–8
Walen, N.
Testing approaches to visualize land cover/land use changes in time series with Web GIS microservice tools
, pages 1–8
Wang, Y.
Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on optimized support vector machine
, pages 1–4
Wieser, D.
Climate and Vine – Representation and communication of spatio-temporal relationships in the web application
, pages 1–8
Xavier, T. W. D. F.
Participatory Mapping and SWOT in the context of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus for attaining SDGs in Eastern Amazonia
, pages 1–8
Xu, S.
Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on optimized support vector machine
, pages 1–4
Xu, W.-M.
An Advanced Dynamic Visualization Method of Global Ocean Tide with Multi-core Processor Based on OpenGL
, pages 1–4
Yano, K.
Synthesis of Geospatial Database and Interdisciplinary to Achieve NSDS for Downtown Alexandria, Egypt Vision 2030
, pages 1–8
Ying, S.
A Framework of Pan-maps: facilitating a unification of Maps and Map-likes
, pages 1–8
Yuan, Y.
The impact of scale on spatial connections: an exploratory analysis
, pages 1–5
Zaccomer, G. P.
Georeferencing skills and student profile. Results from a multivariate regression model
, pages 1–6
Zamfir, I.
Accuracy, veracity, and theological truth in the 16th century atlas
Theatrum Terrae Sanctae
, pages 1–5
Zatelli, P.
Bridging research and dissemination in the CoViD-19 era: a WebGIS dashboard for the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
, pages 1–8
Zentai, L.
The new National Atlas of Hungary – volume Society
, pages 1–6
The Perczel Project (2007–2019)
, pages 1–8
A multicity investigation on Fear of Crime
, pages 1–4
A new interactive gazetteer of Perczel’s globe
, pages 1–5
Zhang, H.
Visualizing Spatiotemporal Epidemic Clusters on a Map-based Dashboard: A case study of early COVID-19 cases in Singapore
, pages 1–5
Zhao, Z.
A Framework of Pan-maps: facilitating a unification of Maps and Map-likes
, pages 1–8
Zuo, C.
Visualizing Spatiotemporal Epidemic Clusters on a Map-based Dashboard: A case study of early COVID-19 cases in Singapore
, pages 1–5
Župan, R.
Combining multiple shaded reliefs with hypsometric colouring and digital orthophotos using free and open-source software
, pages 1–7
Interactive Map of Coronavirus Spread in Croatia
, pages 1–7
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