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Volume 2, 2019 – Keyword index
Volume 2
Volume 2
Volume 2, 2019 – Keyword index
18th Century
Depiction of Line Features on Folded Maps on Example of Old Maps of the Vltava River
, pages 1–4
1st Accurate Map of Japan 1821
Japan’s Most Famous Surveyor: Ino Tadataka and His Iconic 1821 Map of Japan!
, pages 1–9
An Analysis of Movement by Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Logdata
, pages 1–3
3D buildings
Application of Deep Learning for 3D building generalization
, pages 1–8
3D map
School Atlas with Augmented Reality
, pages 1–6
3D model
3D Model of Historical Vltava River Valley: Combination of Sources
, pages 1–5
School Atlas with Augmented Reality
, pages 1–6
3D visualization
Three-dimensional desktop morphometric models for the Arctic Ocean floor
, pages 1–5
Geospatial Distribution and Accessibility of Primary and Secondary Schools: A case of Abbottabad City, Pakistan
, pages 1–11
Geospatial literacy in Africa-Nigeria
, pages 1–7
CartAGen: an Open Source Research Platform for Map Generalization
, pages 1–9
Agglomeration effect
Research on the Spatial Distribution Pattern of Producer Service Firms in Urban Harbin
, pages 1–6
Air pollution
Extracting relationship between air pollution and precipitation using spatio-temporal analysis in Tehran metropolis
, pages 1–7
Akarçay Tepe
Pre-pottery Neolithic age spatial planning: The typo-morphology of the first urbanisation with reference to three Akarçay Tepe plaques
, pages 1–12
Analytical Cartography
Analytical Background for Developing a Body of Knowledge for Cartography
, pages 1–4
Ancient Anatolian Grids
, pages 1–11
Digital cartography for geoheritage: turning an analogue geotourist map into digital
, pages 1–7
Archeological Mapping
Modern Archeological Mapping: Towards Immersive VR Use in Archeology
, pages 1–8
Modern Archeological Mapping: Towards Immersive VR Use in Archeology
, pages 1–8
City maps: Dreams, Art, Cartography, Planning
, pages 1–6
Artifical Intelligence
Map Production Supporting Activities of Digitalization and AI
, pages 1–5
Initiative aiming to introduce children to maps in Kenya
, pages 1–4
School Atlas with Augmented Reality
, pages 1–6
Statistical Atlas of Poland and statistical atlases of voivodships
, pages 1–4
Augmented reality
School Atlas with Augmented Reality
, pages 1–6
Automatic Change Detection
Automatic Change Detection Based on Edge Information Using Two Different Types of Ortho Image
, pages 1–6
Automatic Generalization
Quality Assessment of Topographic Data Automatic Map Generalization from Scale 1:10 000 to 1:50 000
, pages 1–6
Improvement suggestions for problems of hazard map from the viewpoint of color scheme
, pages 1–7
accessibility mapping
Mobility routing optimization for physical accessibility and thermoregulation
, pages 1–5
administrative region index database
An Algorithm of Automatic Administrative Region Index Map Generation for National-level Map Production
, pages 1–4
aerial imagery
Demolished building detection from aerial imagery using deep learning
, pages 1–8
alumni survey
International Cartography Master graduates starting their career
, pages 1–5
analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
Landslide hazard zonation assessment using GIS analysis at the coastal area of Safi (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
Mapping Mars’s Eastern Valles Marineris
, pages 1–13
Projecting emotions from artworks to maps using neural style transfer
, pages 1–8
artificial neural networks
Pedestrian Traffic Flow Prediction based on ANN Model and OSM Data
, pages 1–8
The Republic of Indonesia Territorial Atlas as Geo-literation Tools for the Adolescents
, pages 1–8
A new work of the National Atlas of Spain called
Spain on Maps. A Geographic Synopsis
has been published
, pages 1–8
atlas mapping
Density maps of geophysical study as a new type of integrated characteristic of geophysical fields in atlases
, pages 1–6
An Algorithm of Automatic Administrative Region Index Map Generation for National-level Map Production
, pages 1–4
automatic filters
Auto-filtering validation in citizen science biodiversity monitoring: a case study
, pages 1–5
automatic selection
Automatic Selection Method of Urban Road Network Considering Structural Characteristics
, pages 1–7
Assessing the instability of Dong Nai River in Bien Hoa District using Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Remote Sensing and GIS
, pages 1–5
Bank erosion
Assessing the instability of Dong Nai River in Bien Hoa District using Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Remote Sensing and GIS
, pages 1–5
Basic Education
Rethinking the place of students intermediated by the Geographic, Historical and Cultural School Atlas of the Federal District, Brazil
, pages 1–4
Basic Surveying and Mapping
Quality Assessment of Topographic Data Automatic Map Generalization from Scale 1:10 000 to 1:50 000
, pages 1–6
Atlas of Indonesian Batik: Javanese Batik
, pages 1–4
LevelFilesSet: An efficient Data Structure for Scalable Web Tiled Map Management Systems
, pages 1–10
Bicycle simulator
Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists
, pages 1–5
Big Geodata
Exploring Urban Dynamics from Bluetooth Tracking Data: A Case Study of Austin, Texas
, pages 1–6
Exploring Urban Dynamics from Bluetooth Tracking Data: A Case Study of Austin, Texas
, pages 1–6
Analytical Background for Developing a Body of Knowledge for Cartography
, pages 1–4
Body of Knowledge
Analytical Background for Developing a Body of Knowledge for Cartography
, pages 1–4
Depiction of Line Features on Folded Maps on Example of Old Maps of the Vltava River
, pages 1–4
Bondaries Mapping
The Use of Cartometric and Participatory Methods for Evaluating Regional Boundaries in Kaligesing Sub-district, Purworejo, Indonesia
, pages 1–5
Building Data
Temporal-spatial Analysis of Contributors’ Mapping Behavior for Building Data in OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–10
Built-in car GPS
Examination of car navigation systems and UX designs – suggestion for a new interface
, pages 1–7
bank instability
Assessing the instability of Dong Nai River in Bien Hoa District using Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Remote Sensing and GIS
, pages 1–5
Three-dimensional desktop morphometric models for the Arctic Ocean floor
, pages 1–5
big data
A comprehensive workflow for automating thematic map geovisualization from univariate big geospatial point data
, pages 1–8
Auto-filtering validation in citizen science biodiversity monitoring: a case study
, pages 1–5
blind pedestrians
Pedestrian Traffic Flow Prediction based on ANN Model and OSM Data
, pages 1–8
building boundary polygon data
Demolished building detection from aerial imagery using deep learning
, pages 1–8
building change detection
Demolished building detection from aerial imagery using deep learning
, pages 1–8
Building-network: Concept, generation method and centrality analysis
, pages 1–8
Employing GIS towards shaping a smart and sustainable future: a brief policy survey of global and Taiwan’s efforts
, pages 1–8
Car Navigation System
Examination of car navigation systems and UX designs – suggestion for a new interface
, pages 1–7
Using Cartograms for Visualizing extended Floating Car Data (xFCD)
, pages 1–7
Cartographic and geodetic tasks
A New Approach to Teaching C++ Programming for Cartography Students by Means Training Programs with Emphasizing Cartography and Geodesy
, pages 1–6
Cartographic generalization
Automatic Geological Map Generalization for special geobody – A Case Study on Dyke
, pages 1–7
Cartographic interaction
SDG Viz: A Web-based System for Visualizing Sustainable Development Indicators
, pages 1–8
Cartographic mistakes
Certificates for High-Quality Cartographic Products
, pages 1–6
Ancient Anatolian Grids
, pages 1–11
Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean
, pages 1–7
Mapping in Cartography
, pages 1–3
On the relevance of cartography – An interaction design perspective
, pages 1–6
Analytical Background for Developing a Body of Knowledge for Cartography
, pages 1–4
City maps: Dreams, Art, Cartography, Planning
, pages 1–6
Cartography Art
Drawing North America by Hand
, pages 1–8
Cartography M.Sc.
International Cartography Master graduates starting their career
, pages 1–5
The Use of Cartometric and Participatory Methods for Evaluating Regional Boundaries in Kaligesing Sub-district, Purworejo, Indonesia
, pages 1–5
Caveat Emptor
Caveat Emptor
: A new form of participatory mapping and its ethical implications for Participatory GIS
, pages 1–8
Central Siberia
GIS-based approach for development of the “natural basis” for thematic mapping
, pages 1–4
Certificates for High-Quality Cartographic Products
, pages 1–6
An Algorithm of Automatic Administrative Region Index Map Generation for National-level Map Production
, pages 1–4
Christian monasteries and convents
Mining multiple sources of historical data: The example of a standardized dataset of medieval monasteries and convents in France
, pages 1–7
City maps: Dreams, Art, Cartography, Planning
, pages 1–6
Citizen Collaboration
The Development of Open Source Based Citizen Collaboration Applications for Infrastructure Management: My City Report
, pages 1–4
Citizen Complaints
The Development of Open Source Based Citizen Collaboration Applications for Infrastructure Management: My City Report
, pages 1–4
Citizen Science
Auto-filtering validation in citizen science biodiversity monitoring: a case study
, pages 1–5
Finding hotspots by location-direction-enabled photographs focusing on intersection of lines of sight
, pages 1–5
Coastal area
Landslide hazard zonation assessment using GIS analysis at the coastal area of Safi (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
Cognitive distance
Mapping time-distance
, pages 1–5
Congestion Index
Floating Car Data and Fuzzy Logic for classifying congestion indexes in the city of Shanghai
, pages 1–7
Preparation of the Future with Minecraft® on Demand
, pages 1–4
Temporal-spatial Analysis of Contributors’ Mapping Behavior for Building Data in OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–10
Convolutional Neural Network
Analysis of Tourists’ Image of Seoul with Geotagged Photos using Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–8
Copernicus European Program
Image Spectrometry and Copernicus data for Heritage Mapping in the Jarama Valley, Spain
, pages 1–5
Cost-Weighted Distance
Geospatial Distribution and Accessibility of Primary and Secondary Schools: A case of Abbottabad City, Pakistan
, pages 1–11
Czech Historical Atlas
Database of Historical Atlases: An Interactive Web Application
, pages 1–4
career paths
International Cartography Master graduates starting their career
, pages 1–5
Alternate thematic maps to visualize United Nations Sustainable Development Goal indicator data
, pages 1–8
cartographic competences
International Cartography Master graduates starting their career
, pages 1–5
cartographic education
International Cartography Master graduates starting their career
, pages 1–5
cartographic generalization
A framework for automatically visualizing and recommending efficient routes
, pages 1–8
cartographical knowledge
Cartographical Knowledge and Training of Geography Teachers
, pages 1–6
Database of Historical Atlases: An Interactive Web Application
, pages 1–4
Initiative aiming to introduce children to maps in Kenya
, pages 1–4
A new work of the National Atlas of Spain called
Spain on Maps. A Geographic Synopsis
has been published
, pages 1–8
Mapping Mars’s Eastern Valles Marineris
, pages 1–13
The application of GIS in railway heritage management: the case of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway
, pages 1–7
From third-person to first-person cartographies with immersive virtual environments
, pages 1–7
centrality analysis
Building-network: Concept, generation method and centrality analysis
, pages 1–8
change analysis
Conceptual framework for enhancing visual change point analysis in generalized multi-temporal displays
, pages 1–7
Initiative aiming to introduce children to maps in Kenya
, pages 1–4
children’s education
Spatial Thinking in Children’s Education: The relationship between Geography and Cartography
, pages 1–6
choropleth map
Mapping the core and periphery applied to a choronym (the case of Székely Land)
, pages 1–4
choropleth maps
Visual Analytics for Regional Economic Environment Factors Based on a Dashboard Design
, pages 1–8
Collaborative Custodianship through Collaborative Cloud Mapping: Challenges and Opportunities
, pages 1–10
cognition of map design
Influence of Viewing Field on Zoom Levels in Pedestrian Orientation Task Using Smartphones
, pages 1–9
cognitive map
A framework for automatically visualizing and recommending efficient routes
, pages 1–8
collaborative mapping
Collaborative Custodianship through Collaborative Cloud Mapping: Challenges and Opportunities
, pages 1–10
color scheme
Improvement suggestions for problems of hazard map from the viewpoint of color scheme
, pages 1–7
Improvement suggestions for problems of hazard map from the viewpoint of color scheme
, pages 1–7
Procedural Knowledge of Graphic Design for Analysing Graphic Elements in Historical Urban Maps
, pages 1–7
community-based maps
Anticipating the Flood. Community-based cartography for disaster flood events in Argentina
, pages 1–8
Developing Interactive Map Apps for an Exhibition on the Topic ‘Fremdsein’: a Joint Endeavour by Students and Lecturers
, pages 1–8
Conceptual framework for enhancing visual change point analysis in generalized multi-temporal displays
, pages 1–7
A context-driven geospatial web service approach towards the design of situational awareness maps
, pages 1–8
A New Method for Extracting Elevation Information of River System from Contours
, pages 1–7
contour line
Contour Lines Generation in Karstic Plateaus for Topographic Maps
, pages 1–8
convolutional neural network
Linking picture with text: tagging flood relevant tweets for rapid flood inundation mapping
, pages 1–6
convolutional neural networks (CNN)
Application of Deep Learning for 3D building generalization
, pages 1–8
coordinate system
Harmonization of different type of coordinate systems used for North Macedonian official spatial data
, pages 1–6
crowdsourced geographic data
How an augmented reality game (Pokémon GO) affected volunteer contributions to OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–4
cultural region
Mapping the core and periphery applied to a choronym (the case of Székely Land)
, pages 1–4
curriculum artefact
GIS Maps as Powerful Curriculum Artefacts
, pages 1–7
Collaborative Custodianship through Collaborative Cloud Mapping: Challenges and Opportunities
, pages 1–10
Digital Terrain Representation Methods and Red Relief Image Map, A New Visualization Approach
, pages 1–3
The GIS-based approach for the permafrost active layer depth mapping
, pages 1–6
Geomorphological analysis of wetland distribution on various spatial scales
, pages 1–5
Dark Skies
Seeing the Night Sky
, pages 1–8
Data Journalism
Multimedia Presentation of Spatial Journalistic Content
, pages 1–5
Data Structure
LevelFilesSet: An efficient Data Structure for Scalable Web Tiled Map Management Systems
, pages 1–10
Data mining
Reaffirmation of J. Bertin's Ordinal Matrix for business strategy decision – taking apart of visualized data on map and reconstruction by the Ordinal Matrix
, pages 1–8
Map Production Supporting Activities of Digitalization and AI
, pages 1–5
Decision making support
Reaffirmation of J. Bertin's Ordinal Matrix for business strategy decision – taking apart of visualized data on map and reconstruction by the Ordinal Matrix
, pages 1–8
Deep Learning
Application of Deep Learning for 3D building generalization
, pages 1–8
Deep web POI
Research on Deep Web POI Acquisition based on Retrieving Word Optimization and Spatial Adaption
, pages 1–6
Digital Humanities and GIS
Modern Archeological Mapping: Towards Immersive VR Use in Archeology
, pages 1–8
Digital Orthoimage Map
Key Technology Research on Quality Inspection and Evaluation of Orthoimage Used in China's National Land Survey
, pages 1–5
Map Production Supporting Activities of Digitalization and AI
, pages 1–5
Disaster Reduction
The Integrated Disaster Reduction Intelligent Service System and its Application
, pages 1–7
Disaster Resilience
Geographic Information and Geo-visualisation in support of Disaster Resilience
, pages 1–8
Distance cartogram
Mapping time-distance
, pages 1–5
Distance perception
Mapping time-distance
, pages 1–5
Dong Nai River
Assessing the instability of Dong Nai River in Bien Hoa District using Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Remote Sensing and GIS
, pages 1–5
Dream Cartography
Cartographic Tools for Mapping Dreams
, pages 1–8
Dream Maps
Cartographic Tools for Mapping Dreams
, pages 1–8
City maps: Dreams, Art, Cartography, Planning
, pages 1–6
Automatic Geological Map Generalization for special geobody – A Case Study on Dyke
, pages 1–7
data collection
Research on Deep Web POI Acquisition based on Retrieving Word Optimization and Spatial Adaption
, pages 1–6
data harmonization
Harmonization of different type of coordinate systems used for North Macedonian official spatial data
, pages 1–6
data integration
Mining multiple sources of historical data: The example of a standardized dataset of medieval monasteries and convents in France
, pages 1–7
data mining
Mining multiple sources of historical data: The example of a standardized dataset of medieval monasteries and convents in France
, pages 1–7
data validation
Auto-filtering validation in citizen science biodiversity monitoring: a case study
, pages 1–5
data visualization
A new work of the National Atlas of Spain called
Spain on Maps. A Geographic Synopsis
has been published
, pages 1–8
decision support
Improving the search for victims in mountain environments with geovisualization and competing hypotheses management
, pages 1–8
deep learning
Demolished building detection from aerial imagery using deep learning
, pages 1–8
density maps
Density maps of geophysical study as a new type of integrated characteristic of geophysical fields in atlases
, pages 1–6
digital elevation model (DEM)
GIS-based approach for development of the “natural basis” for thematic mapping
, pages 1–4
digital terrain model
Contour Lines Generation in Karstic Plateaus for Topographic Maps
, pages 1–8
digital terrain modeling
Three-dimensional desktop morphometric models for the Arctic Ocean floor
, pages 1–5
Early Japanese surveying
Japan’s Most Famous Surveyor: Ino Tadataka and His Iconic 1821 Map of Japan!
, pages 1–9
Research and implementation of big data visualization based on WebGIS
, pages 1–6
Automatic Change Detection Based on Edge Information Using Two Different Types of Ortho Image
, pages 1–6
Edo Period
Japan’s Most Famous Surveyor: Ino Tadataka and His Iconic 1821 Map of Japan!
, pages 1–9
Seeing the Night Sky
, pages 1–8
Preparation of the Future with Minecraft® on Demand
, pages 1–4
School Atlas with Augmented Reality
, pages 1–6
Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean
, pages 1–7
Individual level heat risk evaluation using GPS towards smart navigation system
, pages 1–5
The Republic of Indonesia Territorial Atlas as Geo-literation Tools for the Adolescents
, pages 1–8
elevation information
A New Method for Extracting Elevation Information of River System from Contours
, pages 1–7
emotional mapping
Projecting emotions from artworks to maps using neural style transfer
, pages 1–8
empirical evaluation
Creating and evaluating web-based visualizations of multi-dimensional spatiotemporal data
, pages 1–8
enfranchisement in the 19th century
Use of 19th century cartographic source materials to study spatial changes of villages in Wielkopolska (Poland)
, pages 1–5
equatorial aspect
Polar and Equatorial Aspects of Map Projections?
, pages 1–6
event detection
Research on event perception based on geo-tagged social media data
, pages 1–8
event impact
Research on event perception based on geo-tagged social media data
, pages 1–8
event tracking
Research on event perception based on geo-tagged social media data
, pages 1–8
extended Floating Car Data (xFCD)
Using Cartograms for Visualizing extended Floating Car Data (xFCD)
, pages 1–7
Floating Car Data and Fuzzy Logic for classifying congestion indexes in the city of Shanghai
, pages 1–7
Fast Mapping
Quality Assessment of Topographic Data Automatic Map Generalization from Scale 1:10 000 to 1:50 000
, pages 1–6
Feeder buses
Understanding the integration of buses and metro systems using smart card data
, pages 1–6
Field Learning
Orienteering in Geography Education in Japanese High School
, pages 1–8
Analysing tourism movements along the Danube river based on geotagged Flickr photography
, pages 1–5
Analysis of Tourists’ Image of Seoul with Geotagged Photos using Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–8
Floating Car Data
Floating Car Data and Fuzzy Logic for classifying congestion indexes in the city of Shanghai
, pages 1–7
A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System in the Analysis of Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria
, pages 1–7
Folded Maps
Depiction of Line Features on Folded Maps on Example of Old Maps of the Vltava River
, pages 1–4
Forest fire
Mapping of reforestation progress in Chilean National Park Torres del Paine
, pages 1–5
Preparation of the Future with Minecraft® on Demand
, pages 1–4
Fuzzy logic
Floating Car Data and Fuzzy Logic for classifying congestion indexes in the city of Shanghai
, pages 1–7
Using fMRI to Explore the Influence of Road Network Patterns on Geospatial Cognition
, pages 1–6
fear of crime
Digital sketch maps in teaching GIS for law enforcement students
, pages 1–6
first-person cartography
From third-person to first-person cartographies with immersive virtual environments
, pages 1–7
floating car data (FCD)
Using Cartograms for Visualizing extended Floating Car Data (xFCD)
, pages 1–7
flood mapping
Linking picture with text: tagging flood relevant tweets for rapid flood inundation mapping
, pages 1–6
flood risk
Anticipating the Flood. Community-based cartography for disaster flood events in Argentina
, pages 1–8
foldable map
Miura-ori, Basics for Designing its Folding Machines
, pages 1–5
folding machine
Miura-ori, Basics for Designing its Folding Machines
, pages 1–5
forest cover map
GIS-based approach for development of the “natural basis” for thematic mapping
, pages 1–4
forest fire
Static Risk Mapping of Forest Fires in the Case of the Province of Chefchaouen (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
G star statistic
Individual level heat risk evaluation using GPS towards smart navigation system
, pages 1–5
Static Risk Mapping of Forest Fires in the Case of the Province of Chefchaouen (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
Testing Maps for Visually Impaired People in Kurdistan
, pages 1–7
The GIS-based approach for the permafrost active layer depth mapping
, pages 1–6
LevelFilesSet: An efficient Data Structure for Scalable Web Tiled Map Management Systems
, pages 1–10
Assessing the instability of Dong Nai River in Bien Hoa District using Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Remote Sensing and GIS
, pages 1–5
The Integrated Disaster Reduction Intelligent Service System and its Application
, pages 1–7
Mapping Gentrification in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles: Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Analytical Tools
, pages 1–8
Geomorphological analysis of wetland distribution on various spatial scales
, pages 1–5
GIS in public order
Digital sketch maps in teaching GIS for law enforcement students
, pages 1–6
GIS map
GIS Maps as Powerful Curriculum Artefacts
, pages 1–7
Density maps of geophysical study as a new type of integrated characteristic of geophysical fields in atlases
, pages 1–6
Analytical Background for Developing a Body of Knowledge for Cartography
, pages 1–4
GPS trajectory data
Data Cleansing Method for Sparse Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Shared Electric Bicycles in Tengzhou
, pages 1–8
CartAGen: an Open Source Research Platform for Map Generalization
, pages 1–9
A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System in the Analysis of Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria
, pages 1–7
Geographic Information and Geo-visualisation in support of Disaster Resilience
, pages 1–8
Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean
, pages 1–7
Geographic Information
Geographic Information and Geo-visualisation in support of Disaster Resilience
, pages 1–8
3D Visualization Process and Efficiency Analysis of Geographic Information Based on WebGL
, pages 1–5
Geographic Information System
The application of GIS in railway heritage management: the case of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway
, pages 1–7
Geographical Information System
Geospatial Distribution and Accessibility of Primary and Secondary Schools: A case of Abbottabad City, Pakistan
, pages 1–11
Geographical Information System (GIS)
GIS-based approach for development of the “natural basis” for thematic mapping
, pages 1–4
Geography Education
Orienteering in Geography Education in Japanese High School
, pages 1–8
Geological map
Automatic Geological Map Generalization for special geobody – A Case Study on Dyke
, pages 1–7
Geological processes
Automatic Geological Map Generalization for special geobody – A Case Study on Dyke
, pages 1–7
Geospatial Distribution
Geospatial Distribution and Accessibility of Primary and Secondary Schools: A case of Abbottabad City, Pakistan
, pages 1–11
Geospatial Theory
Analytical Background for Developing a Body of Knowledge for Cartography
, pages 1–4
Geotagged photos
Analysis of Tourists’ Image of Seoul with Geotagged Photos using Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–8
Map Production Supporting Activities of Digitalization and AI
, pages 1–5
On the relevance of cartography – An interaction design perspective
, pages 1–6
Modern Archeological Mapping: Towards Immersive VR Use in Archeology
, pages 1–8
Global Positioning System
Individual level heat risk evaluation using GPS towards smart navigation system
, pages 1–5
Google Cloud
LevelFilesSet: An efficient Data Structure for Scalable Web Tiled Map Management Systems
, pages 1–10
Google Street View
Application of Method for Calculating Sky View Factor Using Google Street View: Relation Between Sky View Factor and Physical Elements in Urban Space
, pages 1–8
Great East Japan Earthquake
Spatial Analysis to Identify Factors Affecting Residential Land Prices in Disaster Areas
, pages 1–4
Ancient Anatolian Grids
, pages 1–11
Conceptual framework for enhancing visual change point analysis in generalized multi-temporal displays
, pages 1–7
Application of Deep Learning for 3D building generalization
, pages 1–8
Mapping Gentrification in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles: Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Analytical Tools
, pages 1–8
On the Way to an Information System of Russian Transport Networks
, pages 1–5
geo-information resource
On the Way to an Information System of Russian Transport Networks
, pages 1–5
The Republic of Indonesia Territorial Atlas as Geo-literation Tools for the Adolescents
, pages 1–8
geo-tagged social media data
Research on event perception based on geo-tagged social media data
, pages 1–8
geographic information ethics 2.0
Caveat Emptor
: A new form of participatory mapping and its ethical implications for Participatory GIS
, pages 1–8
geographic information standard
Some Considerations to Improve the General Feature Model and General Portrayal Model in Gittok
, pages 1–7
geographical data
Research and implementation of big data visualization based on WebGIS
, pages 1–6
geographical information system (GIS)
Landslide hazard zonation assessment using GIS analysis at the coastal area of Safi (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
geographical name information
Multilingualization Experiment of Geographical Name Information Using Vector Title Format
, pages 1–3
geographical names
Geographical names to support monitoring of the regional dynamic in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
, pages 1–8
Spatial Thinking in Children’s Education: The relationship between Geography and Cartography
, pages 1–6
geography education
GIS Maps as Powerful Curriculum Artefacts
, pages 1–7
Digital cartography for geoheritage: turning an analogue geotourist map into digital
, pages 1–7
geological maps
The changing use-cases of medium and large-scale geological maps in Hungary
, pages 1–8
geology of Hungary
The changing use-cases of medium and large-scale geological maps in Hungary
, pages 1–8
geomagnetic declination
Restorement of early 19
century’s Geomagnetic declinations in Japan, from Tadataka Inoh’s survey azimuth ledger
, pages 1–10
Miura-ori, Basics for Designing its Folding Machines
, pages 1–5
geomorphological control
Geomorphological analysis of wetland distribution on various spatial scales
, pages 1–5
Three-dimensional desktop morphometric models for the Arctic Ocean floor
, pages 1–5
Digital cartography for geoheritage: turning an analogue geotourist map into digital
, pages 1–7
geophysical maps
Density maps of geophysical study as a new type of integrated characteristic of geophysical fields in atlases
, pages 1–6
geophysical study
Density maps of geophysical study as a new type of integrated characteristic of geophysical fields in atlases
, pages 1–6
The Republic of Indonesia Territorial Atlas as Geo-literation Tools for the Adolescents
, pages 1–8
geospatial data
A comprehensive workflow for automating thematic map geovisualization from univariate big geospatial point data
, pages 1–8
geospatial information technology
Some Considerations to Improve the General Feature Model and General Portrayal Model in Gittok
, pages 1–7
geospatial literacy
Geospatial literacy in Africa-Nigeria
, pages 1–7
geospatial schematization
Some Considerations to Improve the General Feature Model and General Portrayal Model in Gittok
, pages 1–7
geospatial technologies
Geospatial literacy in Africa-Nigeria
, pages 1–7
geospatial web service
A context-driven geospatial web service approach towards the design of situational awareness maps
, pages 1–8
geotagged photographs
Analysing tourism movements along the Danube river based on geotagged Flickr photography
, pages 1–5
geotourist map
Digital cartography for geoheritage: turning an analogue geotourist map into digital
, pages 1–7
geotourist maps
The changing use-cases of medium and large-scale geological maps in Hungary
, pages 1–8
Improving the search for victims in mountain environments with geovisualization and competing hypotheses management
, pages 1–8
Creating and evaluating web-based visualizations of multi-dimensional spatiotemporal data
, pages 1–8
graphic design
Procedural Knowledge of Graphic Design for Analysing Graphic Elements in Historical Urban Maps
, pages 1–7
graphic element
Procedural Knowledge of Graphic Design for Analysing Graphic Elements in Historical Urban Maps
, pages 1–7
Drawing North America by Hand
, pages 1–8
Harumi Shibukawa
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
Individual level heat risk evaluation using GPS towards smart navigation system
, pages 1–5
Heat Risk
Individual level heat risk evaluation using GPS towards smart navigation system
, pages 1–5
Developing Interactive Map Apps for an Exhibition on the Topic ‘Fremdsein’: a Joint Endeavour by Students and Lecturers
, pages 1–8
Image Spectrometry and Copernicus data for Heritage Mapping in the Jarama Valley, Spain
, pages 1–5
High-quality map
Certificates for High-Quality Cartographic Products
, pages 1–6
Historical declination viewer
Restorement of early 19
century’s Geomagnetic declinations in Japan, from Tadataka Inoh’s survey azimuth ledger
, pages 1–10
History of Cartography
Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation), Commemoration of the Pîrî Reis and Understand His World Map of 1513
, pages 1–6
Finding hotspots by location-direction-enabled photographs focusing on intersection of lines of sight
, pages 1–5
Human Mobility
Exploring Urban Dynamics from Bluetooth Tracking Data: A Case Study of Austin, Texas
, pages 1–6
Human encroachment
Mapping of Physical Vulnerability in Tiger Habitat Areas: A Case Study of Tiger Corridor of Rajasthan, India
, pages 1–8
Human-Computer Interaction
On the relevance of cartography – An interaction design perspective
, pages 1–6
The new National Atlas of Hungary – volume Natural Environment
, pages 1–7
hazard map
Improvement suggestions for problems of hazard map from the viewpoint of color scheme
, pages 1–7
hazard mapping
Static Risk Mapping of Forest Fires in the Case of the Province of Chefchaouen (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
hazard maps
Usability problems and literacy of online maps
, pages 1–6
historic bridges
Establishment of the inventory of the historic bridges analyzing the maps of Europe in the XIX. Century, in the area of Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia
, pages 1–5
historical atlas
Database of Historical Atlases: An Interactive Web Application
, pages 1–4
historical urban map
Procedural Knowledge of Graphic Design for Analysing Graphic Elements in Historical Urban Maps
, pages 1–7
Three-dimensional desktop morphometric models for the Arctic Ocean floor
, pages 1–5
ISO TC/211
Model of Management of the Quality of the Geospatial Information in the Aerophotogrametric Service of the Air Force of Chile, based on Standards ISO TC/211
, pages 1–5
Illustrated Map
Drawing North America by Hand
, pages 1–8
Image Spectrometry
Image Spectrometry and Copernicus data for Heritage Mapping in the Jarama Valley, Spain
, pages 1–5
Image of Seoul
Analysis of Tourists’ Image of Seoul with Geotagged Photos using Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–8
Geographical names to support monitoring of the regional dynamic in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
, pages 1–8
Atlas of Indonesian Batik: Javanese Batik
, pages 1–4
Indoor Positioning
Solution for indoor positioning using WIFI networks
, pages 1–8
Ino Tadataka
Japan’s Most Famous Surveyor: Ino Tadataka and His Iconic 1821 Map of Japan!
, pages 1–9
Interaction Design
On the relevance of cartography – An interaction design perspective
, pages 1–6
Interaction and communication
Enriching complex road intersections from OSM with traffic-related behavioral information
, pages 1–3
Interactive Web Mapping Platform
Cartographic Tools for Mapping Dreams
, pages 1–8
Toponyms’ contribution to identity: The case study of Rabat (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
From third-person to first-person cartographies with immersive virtual environments
, pages 1–7
index map
An Algorithm of Automatic Administrative Region Index Map Generation for National-level Map Production
, pages 1–4
indirect spatial referencing
An approach for identifying and analysing reference features and spatial relations used in mountain emergency calls
, pages 1–8
interdisciplinary workshops
Developing Interactive Map Apps for an Exhibition on the Topic ‘Fremdsein’: a Joint Endeavour by Students and Lecturers
, pages 1–8
inventory establishment
Establishment of the inventory of the historic bridges analyzing the maps of Europe in the XIX. Century, in the area of Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia
, pages 1–5
Jacques Bertin
Reaffirmation of J. Bertin's Ordinal Matrix for business strategy decision – taking apart of visualized data on map and reconstruction by the Ordinal Matrix
, pages 1–8
Japan’s Most Famous Surveyor
Japan’s Most Famous Surveyor: Ino Tadataka and His Iconic 1821 Map of Japan!
, pages 1–9
Publication of maps and plans of Jewish settlement from the first half of the 18th century
, pages 1–3
Kaisei Nihon Y
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation)
Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation), Commemoration of the Pîrî Reis and Understand His World Map of 1513
, pages 1–6
Kouan Mori,日本分野図
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
Kyoto City Tram and Bus Photograph Database
Learning Method that Facilitates User Understanding of Changes in the Kyoto Townscape: Utilizing a Smartphone Application with the Kyoto City Tram and Bus Photograph Database
, pages 1–8
Kyoto Memorygraph
Learning Method that Facilitates User Understanding of Changes in the Kyoto Townscape: Utilizing a Smartphone Application with the Kyoto City Tram and Bus Photograph Database
, pages 1–8
Land Regime
Pre-pottery Neolithic age spatial planning: The typo-morphology of the first urbanisation with reference to three Akarçay Tepe plaques
, pages 1–12
Dynamics of lake area on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau from 2000 to 2015
, pages 1–7
League of American Wheelmen
The bicycle at the end of the 19th century: An instrument for land surveying and mapping
, pages 1–8
Digital Terrain Representation Methods and Red Relief Image Map, A New Visualization Approach
, pages 1–3
Linkage Update
Quality Assessment of Topographic Data Automatic Map Generalization from Scale 1:10 000 to 1:50 000
, pages 1–6
Literary Cartography
Maps of Literary Trails in Thessaloniki
, pages 1–6
Maps of Literary Trails in Thessaloniki
, pages 1–6
Little Tokyo
Mapping Gentrification in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles: Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Analytical Tools
, pages 1–8
Employing GIS towards shaping a smart and sustainable future: a brief policy survey of global and Taiwan’s efforts
, pages 1–8
Location Based Services
Solution for indoor positioning using WIFI networks
, pages 1–8
Location of interest
Finding hotspots by location-direction-enabled photographs focusing on intersection of lines of sight
, pages 1–5
Location-based data
Combined GPS and motion-tracker data for activity levels and various route selections in everyday travel
, pages 1–3
Location-direction-enabled photograph
Finding hotspots by location-direction-enabled photographs focusing on intersection of lines of sight
, pages 1–5
Locative Expressions
Using Spatial Image Schemata in the characterization of spatial relations
, pages 1–6
lake areas
Dynamics of lake area on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau from 2000 to 2015
, pages 1–7
lakes dynamics
Dynamics of lake area on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau from 2000 to 2015
, pages 1–7
land price
Spatial Analysis to Identify Factors Affecting Residential Land Prices in Disaster Areas
, pages 1–4
land surveyors
The bicycle at the end of the 19th century: An instrument for land surveying and mapping
, pages 1–8
landscape changes
Space-Time Cube and Mixed Reality – New Approaches to Support Understanding Historical Landscape Changes
, pages 1–7
landslide hazard zonation map
Landslide hazard zonation assessment using GIS analysis at the coastal area of Safi (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
large scale
Automatic Selection Method of Urban Road Network Considering Structural Characteristics
, pages 1–7
level of detail
Deriving Multiple Representation Database: A Model Generalisation Approach
, pages 1–8
line simplification
Semantically Enriched Simplification of Trajectories
, pages 1–8
Usability problems and literacy of online maps
, pages 1–6
Geographical names to support monitoring of the regional dynamic in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
, pages 1–8
Pre-pottery Neolithic age spatial planning: The typo-morphology of the first urbanisation with reference to three Akarçay Tepe plaques
, pages 1–12
Mapping in Cartography
, pages 1–3
Map Art
Drawing North America by Hand
, pages 1–8
Map Generalization
Quality Assessment of Topographic Data Automatic Map Generalization from Scale 1:10 000 to 1:50 000
, pages 1–6
Map Learning
Orienteering in Geography Education in Japanese High School
, pages 1–8
Map Production
Map Production Supporting Activities of Digitalization and AI
, pages 1–5
Map Update
Automatic Change Detection Based on Edge Information Using Two Different Types of Ortho Image
, pages 1–6
Map design
User Preferences for Bus Map Design: Evidence from a Map Usability Study
, pages 1–6
Map usability study
User Preferences for Bus Map Design: Evidence from a Map Usability Study
, pages 1–6
LevelFilesSet: An efficient Data Structure for Scalable Web Tiled Map Management Systems
, pages 1–10
Mapping in Cartography
, pages 1–3
A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System in the Analysis of Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria
, pages 1–7
Mapping Behavior
Temporal-spatial Analysis of Contributors’ Mapping Behavior for Building Data in OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–10
Certificates for High-Quality Cartographic Products
, pages 1–6
Testing Maps for Visually Impaired People in Kurdistan
, pages 1–7
Mapping Mars’s Eastern Valles Marineris
, pages 1–13
Matching the Map with the Actual Place
Orienteering in Geography Education in Japanese High School
, pages 1–8
Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean
, pages 1–7
Metro systems
Understanding the integration of buses and metro systems using smart card data
, pages 1–6
Microscopic traffic flow
Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists
, pages 1–5
Enriching complex road intersections from OSM with traffic-related behavioral information
, pages 1–3
Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean
, pages 1–7
Preparation of the Future with Minecraft® on Demand
, pages 1–4
Preparation of the Future with Minecraft® on Demand
, pages 1–4
Miura-ori, Basics for Designing its Folding Machines
, pages 1–5
Extracting relationship between air pollution and precipitation using spatio-temporal analysis in Tehran metropolis
, pages 1–7
Landslide hazard zonation assessment using GIS analysis at the coastal area of Safi (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
Movement log data
An Analysis of Movement by Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Logdata
, pages 1–3
Employing GIS towards shaping a smart and sustainable future: a brief policy survey of global and Taiwan’s efforts
, pages 1–8
Multimedia Presentation of Spatial Journalistic Content
, pages 1–5
machine learning
Auto-filtering validation in citizen science biodiversity monitoring: a case study
, pages 1–5
magnetic compass survey
Restorement of early 19
century’s Geomagnetic declinations in Japan, from Tadataka Inoh’s survey azimuth ledger
, pages 1–10
map analysis
Establishment of the inventory of the historic bridges analyzing the maps of Europe in the XIX. Century, in the area of Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia
, pages 1–5
map design
Sustainable Development Goals and Visualizing Small Island Developing States
, pages 1–8
map enrichment
Pedestrian Traffic Flow Prediction based on ANN Model and OSM Data
, pages 1–8
map generalization
Contour Lines Generation in Karstic Plateaus for Topographic Maps
, pages 1–8
map production
An Algorithm of Automatic Administrative Region Index Map Generation for National-level Map Production
, pages 1–4
map projection
Polar and Equatorial Aspects of Map Projections?
, pages 1–6
map service
A context-driven geospatial web service approach towards the design of situational awareness maps
, pages 1–8
map use
The changing use-cases of medium and large-scale geological maps in Hungary
, pages 1–8
The changing use-cases of medium and large-scale geological maps in Hungary
, pages 1–8
Use of 19th century cartographic source materials to study spatial changes of villages in Wielkopolska (Poland)
, pages 1–5
maps of Europe in XIX. Century
Establishment of the inventory of the historic bridges analyzing the maps of Europe in the XIX. Century, in the area of Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia
, pages 1–5
maps publication
Publication of maps and plans of Jewish settlement from the first half of the 18th century
, pages 1–3
mixed reality
Space-Time Cube and Mixed Reality – New Approaches to Support Understanding Historical Landscape Changes
, pages 1–7
mobile gaming
How an augmented reality game (Pokémon GO) affected volunteer contributions to OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–4
model generalisation
Deriving Multiple Representation Database: A Model Generalisation Approach
, pages 1–8
mountain rescue
An approach for identifying and analysing reference features and spatial relations used in mountain emergency calls
, pages 1–8
mountain wetland
Geomorphological analysis of wetland distribution on various spatial scales
, pages 1–5
movement analysis
Analysing tourism movements along the Danube river based on geotagged Flickr photography
, pages 1–5
multi-temporal analysis
Conceptual framework for enhancing visual change point analysis in generalized multi-temporal displays
, pages 1–7
Multilingualization Experiment of Geographical Name Information Using Vector Title Format
, pages 1–3
multiple representation database
Deriving Multiple Representation Database: A Model Generalisation Approach
, pages 1–8
multiple representations
Deriving Multiple Representation Database: A Model Generalisation Approach
, pages 1–8
multivariate spatial analysis
Spatial Analysis to Identify Factors Affecting Residential Land Prices in Disaster Areas
, pages 1–4
Mapping of reforestation progress in Chilean National Park Torres del Paine
, pages 1–5
Employing GIS towards shaping a smart and sustainable future: a brief policy survey of global and Taiwan’s efforts
, pages 1–8
Names Board
On the SCJ report "Challenges for the national standardisation of geographical names in Japan"
, pages 1–5
National Land Survey
Key Technology Research on Quality Inspection and Evaluation of Orthoimage Used in China's National Land Survey
, pages 1–5
National atlas
The new National Atlas of Hungary – volume Natural Environment
, pages 1–7
Geospatial literacy in Africa-Nigeria
, pages 1–7
Nihon bunya zu “ Allocation Map of Japan” with grid of latitude line
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
naming conventions
Mapping Mars’s Eastern Valles Marineris
, pages 1–13
navigable maps
The bicycle at the end of the 19th century: An instrument for land surveying and mapping
, pages 1–8
network analysis
Analysing tourism movements along the Danube river based on geotagged Flickr photography
, pages 1–5
network theory
Building-network: Concept, generation method and centrality analysis
, pages 1–8
neural style transfer
Projecting emotions from artworks to maps using neural style transfer
, pages 1–8
How an augmented reality game (Pokémon GO) affected volunteer contributions to OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–4
Open Government
The Development of Open Source Based Citizen Collaboration Applications for Infrastructure Management: My City Report
, pages 1–4
Open Science
Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean
, pages 1–7
Open Source
The Development of Open Source Based Citizen Collaboration Applications for Infrastructure Management: My City Report
, pages 1–4
Open Source Software
Solution for indoor positioning using WIFI networks
, pages 1–8
Open source
CartAGen: an Open Source Research Platform for Map Generalization
, pages 1–9
Pedestrian Traffic Flow Prediction based on ANN Model and OSM Data
, pages 1–8
Integrating spatial accessibility estimates derived from crowdsourced, commercial, and authoritative geo-datasets: Case study of mapping accessibility to urban green space in the Tokyo-Yokohama area
, pages 1–5
Temporal-spatial Analysis of Contributors’ Mapping Behavior for Building Data in OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–10
Ordinal Matrix
Reaffirmation of J. Bertin's Ordinal Matrix for business strategy decision – taking apart of visualized data on map and reconstruction by the Ordinal Matrix
, pages 1–8
Orienteering in Geography Education in Japanese High School
, pages 1–8
Ortho Image
Automatic Change Detection Based on Edge Information Using Two Different Types of Ortho Image
, pages 1–6
old maps
3D Model of Historical Vltava River Valley: Combination of Sources
, pages 1–5
old photographs
Learning Method that Facilitates User Understanding of Changes in the Kyoto Townscape: Utilizing a Smartphone Application with the Kyoto City Tram and Bus Photograph Database
, pages 1–8
on Demand
Preparation of the Future with Minecraft® on Demand
, pages 1–4
online maps
Usability problems and literacy of online maps
, pages 1–6
Mobility routing optimization for physical accessibility and thermoregulation
, pages 1–5
Caveat Emptor
: A new form of participatory mapping and its ethical implications for Participatory GIS
, pages 1–8
Geospatial Distribution and Accessibility of Primary and Secondary Schools: A case of Abbottabad City, Pakistan
, pages 1–11
The Use of Cartometric and Participatory Methods for Evaluating Regional Boundaries in Kaligesing Sub-district, Purworejo, Indonesia
, pages 1–5
Pearson correlation coefficient
Extracting relationship between air pollution and precipitation using spatio-temporal analysis in Tehran metropolis
, pages 1–7
Permafrost active layer depth
The GIS-based approach for the permafrost active layer depth mapping
, pages 1–6
Physical activity
Combined GPS and motion-tracker data for activity levels and various route selections in everyday travel
, pages 1–3
Pictorial Map
Drawing North America by Hand
, pages 1–8
Rethinking the place of students intermediated by the Geographic, Historical and Cultural School Atlas of the Federal District, Brazil
, pages 1–4
City maps: Dreams, Art, Cartography, Planning
, pages 1–6
Polynomial regression
Extracting relationship between air pollution and precipitation using spatio-temporal analysis in Tehran metropolis
, pages 1–7
Pre-pottery Neolithic
Pre-pottery Neolithic age spatial planning: The typo-morphology of the first urbanisation with reference to three Akarçay Tepe plaques
, pages 1–12
Extracting relationship between air pollution and precipitation using spatio-temporal analysis in Tehran metropolis
, pages 1–7
Principle of continuity
Automatic Geological Map Generalization for special geobody – A Case Study on Dyke
, pages 1–7
Producer service firms
Research on the Spatial Distribution Pattern of Producer Service Firms in Urban Harbin
, pages 1–6
Public transport mapping
User Preferences for Bus Map Design: Evidence from a Map Usability Study
, pages 1–6
Pîrî Reis
Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation), Commemoration of the Pîrî Reis and Understand His World Map of 1513
, pages 1–6
Harmonization of different type of coordinate systems used for North Macedonian official spatial data
, pages 1–6
pedestrian orientation
Influence of Viewing Field on Zoom Levels in Pedestrian Orientation Task Using Smartphones
, pages 1–9
pedestrian traffic flow
Pedestrian Traffic Flow Prediction based on ANN Model and OSM Data
, pages 1–8
Time-space Visualization of Automobile and Airplane Travel Time from Chicago to Various Destination Cities
, pages 1–8
personalized maps
Developing Interactive Map Apps for an Exhibition on the Topic ‘Fremdsein’: a Joint Endeavour by Students and Lecturers
, pages 1–8
place names
Toponyms’ contribution to identity: The case study of Rabat (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
planetary mapping
Mapping Mars’s Eastern Valles Marineris
, pages 1–13
point features
A comprehensive workflow for automating thematic map geovisualization from univariate big geospatial point data
, pages 1–8
polar aspect
Polar and Equatorial Aspects of Map Projections?
, pages 1–6
potential vegetation growth conditions
GIS-based approach for development of the “natural basis” for thematic mapping
, pages 1–4
powerful disciplinary knowledge (PDK)
GIS Maps as Powerful Curriculum Artefacts
, pages 1–7
project-based learning
Digital sketch maps in teaching GIS for law enforcement students
, pages 1–6
Sustainable Development Goals and Visualizing Small Island Developing States
, pages 1–8
Dynamics of lake area on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau from 2000 to 2015
, pages 1–7
Quality Inspection
Key Technology Research on Quality Inspection and Evaluation of Orthoimage Used in China's National Land Survey
, pages 1–5
Quality control
Model of Management of the Quality of the Geospatial Information in the Aerophotogrametric Service of the Air Force of Chile, based on Standards ISO TC/211
, pages 1–5
Examination of car navigation systems and UX designs – suggestion for a new interface
, pages 1–7
Regional Boundaries
The Use of Cartometric and Participatory Methods for Evaluating Regional Boundaries in Kaligesing Sub-district, Purworejo, Indonesia
, pages 1–5
Remote Sensing
Mapping of reforestation progress in Chilean National Park Torres del Paine
, pages 1–5
Remote Sensing Cartography
Image Spectrometry and Copernicus data for Heritage Mapping in the Jarama Valley, Spain
, pages 1–5
Reproducible research
Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean
, pages 1–7
Research Challenges
On the relevance of cartography – An interaction design perspective
, pages 1–6
Geographic Information and Geo-visualisation in support of Disaster Resilience
, pages 1–8
A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System in the Analysis of Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria
, pages 1–7
River Cartography
Depiction of Line Features on Folded Maps on Example of Old Maps of the Vltava River
, pages 1–4
Road Management
The Development of Open Source Based Citizen Collaboration Applications for Infrastructure Management: My City Report
, pages 1–4
Road network patterns
Using fMRI to Explore the Influence of Road Network Patterns on Geospatial Cognition
, pages 1–6
Mapping the core and periphery applied to a choronym (the case of Székely Land)
, pages 1–4
Route selection
Combined GPS and motion-tracker data for activity levels and various route selections in everyday travel
, pages 1–3
railway heritage
The application of GIS in railway heritage management: the case of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway
, pages 1–7
recognition of O-D pairs
Data Cleansing Method for Sparse Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Shared Electric Bicycles in Tengzhou
, pages 1–8
reference features
An approach for identifying and analysing reference features and spatial relations used in mountain emergency calls
, pages 1–8
reference point
Restorement of early 19
century’s Geomagnetic declinations in Japan, from Tadataka Inoh’s survey azimuth ledger
, pages 1–10
The Republic of Indonesia Territorial Atlas as Geo-literation Tools for the Adolescents
, pages 1–8
regional dynamic
Geographical names to support monitoring of the regional dynamic in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
, pages 1–8
Use of 19th century cartographic source materials to study spatial changes of villages in Wielkopolska (Poland)
, pages 1–5
relational database
Database of Historical Atlases: An Interactive Web Application
, pages 1–4
relative time
Time-space Visualization of Automobile and Airplane Travel Time from Chicago to Various Destination Cities
, pages 1–8
religious orders
Mining multiple sources of historical data: The example of a standardized dataset of medieval monasteries and convents in France
, pages 1–7
remote sensing data
GIS-based approach for development of the “natural basis” for thematic mapping
, pages 1–4
residential location choice
Spatial Analysis to Identify Factors Affecting Residential Land Prices in Disaster Areas
, pages 1–4
retrieving word optimization
Research on Deep Web POI Acquisition based on Retrieving Word Optimization and Spatial Adaption
, pages 1–6
risk assessment
Static Risk Mapping of Forest Fires in the Case of the Province of Chefchaouen (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
river system
A New Method for Extracting Elevation Information of River System from Contours
, pages 1–7
road network generalization
Automatic Selection Method of Urban Road Network Considering Structural Characteristics
, pages 1–7
route choice behavior
A framework for automatically visualizing and recommending efficient routes
, pages 1–8
route guides
The bicycle at the end of the 19th century: An instrument for land surveying and mapping
, pages 1–8
route visualization
A framework for automatically visualizing and recommending efficient routes
, pages 1–8
Mobility routing optimization for physical accessibility and thermoregulation
, pages 1–5
rural geomedia
The bicycle at the end of the 19th century: An instrument for land surveying and mapping
, pages 1–8
Employing GIS towards shaping a smart and sustainable future: a brief policy survey of global and Taiwan’s efforts
, pages 1–8
Collaborative Custodianship through Collaborative Cloud Mapping: Challenges and Opportunities
, pages 1–10
Model of Management of the Quality of the Geospatial Information in the Aerophotogrametric Service of the Air Force of Chile, based on Standards ISO TC/211
, pages 1–5
An Analysis of Movement by Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Logdata
, pages 1–3
Landslide hazard zonation assessment using GIS analysis at the coastal area of Safi (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
Scheduling efficiency
3D Visualization Process and Efficiency Analysis of Geographic Information Based on WebGL
, pages 1–5
School Atlas
Rethinking the place of students intermediated by the Geographic, Historical and Cultural School Atlas of the Federal District, Brazil
, pages 1–4
School Cartography
Cartographical Knowledge and Training of Geography Teachers
, pages 1–6
Sekisui Nagakubo
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
Seoul Tour
Analysis of Tourists’ Image of Seoul with Geotagged Photos using Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–8
Service-Oriented Mapping
Map Production Supporting Activities of Digitalization and AI
, pages 1–5
Shared e-bike
Data Cleansing Method for Sparse Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Shared Electric Bicycles in Tengzhou
, pages 1–8
Shortest path
Combined GPS and motion-tracker data for activity levels and various route selections in everyday travel
, pages 1–3
Testing Maps for Visually Impaired People in Kurdistan
, pages 1–7
Signal perception
Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists
, pages 1–5
Signal traffic control
Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists
, pages 1–5
Simulator studies
Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists
, pages 1–5
Smart card data
Understanding the integration of buses and metro systems using smart card data
, pages 1–6
Social Network Service
Analysis of Tourists’ Image of Seoul with Geotagged Photos using Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–8
CartAGen: an Open Source Research Platform for Map Generalization
, pages 1–9
Spatial Image Schemata
Using Spatial Image Schemata in the characterization of spatial relations
, pages 1–6
Spatial Planning
Ancient Anatolian Grids
, pages 1–11
Pre-pottery Neolithic age spatial planning: The typo-morphology of the first urbanisation with reference to three Akarçay Tepe plaques
, pages 1–12
Spatial Relations
Using Spatial Image Schemata in the characterization of spatial relations
, pages 1–6
Spatial autocorrelation
Research on the Spatial Distribution Pattern of Producer Service Firms in Urban Harbin
, pages 1–6
Spatial distribution pattern
Research on the Spatial Distribution Pattern of Producer Service Firms in Urban Harbin
, pages 1–6
Spatio-Temporal Analysis
An Analysis of Movement by Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Logdata
, pages 1–3
Spatiotemporal analysis
Understanding the integration of buses and metro systems using smart card data
, pages 1–6
On the SCJ report "Challenges for the national standardisation of geographical names in Japan"
, pages 1–5
Statistical maps
Statistical Atlas of Poland and statistical atlases of voivodships
, pages 1–4
Atlas of Indonesian Batik: Javanese Batik
, pages 1–4
Multimedia Presentation of Spatial Journalistic Content
, pages 1–5
Examination of car navigation systems and UX designs – suggestion for a new interface
, pages 1–7
Sustainable Development Goals
Alternate thematic maps to visualize United Nations Sustainable Development Goal indicator data
, pages 1–8
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Sustainable Development Goals and Visualizing Small Island Developing States
, pages 1–8
Sustainable development goals (SDGs)
SDG Viz: A Web-based System for Visualizing Sustainable Development Indicators
, pages 1–8
Mapping the core and periphery applied to a choronym (the case of Székely Land)
, pages 1–4
scenario-based SLEUTH model
Using building types and demographic data to improve our understanding and use of urban sprawl simulation
, pages 1–8
school cartography
Spatial Thinking in Children’s Education: The relationship between Geography and Cartography
, pages 1–6
search and rescue
Improving the search for victims in mountain environments with geovisualization and competing hypotheses management
, pages 1–8
security maps
Usability problems and literacy of online maps
, pages 1–6
Semantically Enriched Simplification of Trajectories
, pages 1–8
settlements plans
Publication of maps and plans of Jewish settlement from the first half of the 18th century
, pages 1–3
A context-driven geospatial web service approach towards the design of situational awareness maps
, pages 1–8
sketch map
An approach for identifying and analysing reference features and spatial relations used in mountain emergency calls
, pages 1–8
sky view factor
Application of Method for Calculating Sky View Factor Using Google Street View: Relation Between Sky View Factor and Physical Elements in Urban Space
, pages 1–8
sky view factor change
Application of Method for Calculating Sky View Factor Using Google Street View: Relation Between Sky View Factor and Physical Elements in Urban Space
, pages 1–8
small island developing states (SIDS)
Sustainable Development Goals and Visualizing Small Island Developing States
, pages 1–8
small multiples
Visual Analytics for Regional Economic Environment Factors Based on a Dashboard Design
, pages 1–8
social media
Linking picture with text: tagging flood relevant tweets for rapid flood inundation mapping
, pages 1–6
social sensing
Research on event perception based on geo-tagged social media data
, pages 1–8
space-time cube
Space-Time Cube and Mixed Reality – New Approaches to Support Understanding Historical Landscape Changes
, pages 1–7
sparse data
Data Cleansing Method for Sparse Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Shared Electric Bicycles in Tengzhou
, pages 1–8
spatial adaptive subdivision
Research on Deep Web POI Acquisition based on Retrieving Word Optimization and Spatial Adaption
, pages 1–6
spatial analysis
Using Cartograms for Visualizing extended Floating Car Data (xFCD)
, pages 1–7
spatial cognition
Using fMRI to Explore the Influence of Road Network Patterns on Geospatial Cognition
, pages 1–6
spatial data infrastructure
Collaborative Custodianship through Collaborative Cloud Mapping: Challenges and Opportunities
, pages 1–10
spatial knowledge representation
An approach for identifying and analysing reference features and spatial relations used in mountain emergency calls
, pages 1–8
spatial orientation
Using fMRI to Explore the Influence of Road Network Patterns on Geospatial Cognition
, pages 1–6
spatial presence
From third-person to first-person cartographies with immersive virtual environments
, pages 1–7
spatial reasoning
Improving the search for victims in mountain environments with geovisualization and competing hypotheses management
, pages 1–8
spatial relation
An approach for identifying and analysing reference features and spatial relations used in mountain emergency calls
, pages 1–8
spatial relationship
A New Method for Extracting Elevation Information of River System from Contours
, pages 1–7
spatial thinking
Spatial Thinking in Children’s Education: The relationship between Geography and Cartography
, pages 1–6
spatio-temporal data
Creating and evaluating web-based visualizations of multi-dimensional spatiotemporal data
, pages 1–8
spatiotemporal analysis
Visual Analytics for Regional Economic Environment Factors Based on a Dashboard Design
, pages 1–8
spatiotemporal dataset
Mining multiple sources of historical data: The example of a standardized dataset of medieval monasteries and convents in France
, pages 1–7
statistical maps
A new work of the National Atlas of Spain called
Spain on Maps. A Geographic Synopsis
has been published
, pages 1–8
statistical surface
Mapping the core and periphery applied to a choronym (the case of Székely Land)
, pages 1–4
structural characteristics
Automatic Selection Method of Urban Road Network Considering Structural Characteristics
, pages 1–7
style extraction
Projecting emotions from artworks to maps using neural style transfer
, pages 1–8
synchronous euclidean distance
Semantically Enriched Simplification of Trajectories
, pages 1–8
Teacher Training
Rethinking the place of students intermediated by the Geographic, Historical and Cultural School Atlas of the Federal District, Brazil
, pages 1–4
Teaching C++ programming
A New Approach to Teaching C++ Programming for Cartography Students by Means Training Programs with Emphasizing Cartography and Geodesy
, pages 1–6
Temporal-spatial Analysis
Temporal-spatial Analysis of Contributors’ Mapping Behavior for Building Data in OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–10
Data Cleansing Method for Sparse Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Shared Electric Bicycles in Tengzhou
, pages 1–8
Tenmon Keitou
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
The Integrated Disaster Reduction Intelligent Services
The Integrated Disaster Reduction Intelligent Service System and its Application
, pages 1–7
The World Map of 1513
Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation), Commemoration of the Pîrî Reis and Understand His World Map of 1513
, pages 1–6
Thematic Atlas
Seeing the Night Sky
, pages 1–8
Atlas of Indonesian Batik: Javanese Batik
, pages 1–4
Thematic maps
The new National Atlas of Hungary – volume Natural Environment
, pages 1–7
The GIS-based approach for the permafrost active layer depth mapping
, pages 1–6
Maps of Literary Trails in Thessaloniki
, pages 1–6
Statistical Atlas of Poland and statistical atlases of voivodships
, pages 1–4
Maps of Literary Trails in Thessaloniki
, pages 1–6
Three-dimension Visualization
3D Visualization Process and Efficiency Analysis of Geographic Information Based on WebGL
, pages 1–5
Tiger conservation
Mapping of Physical Vulnerability in Tiger Habitat Areas: A Case Study of Tiger Corridor of Rajasthan, India
, pages 1–8
Tiger corridor
Mapping of Physical Vulnerability in Tiger Habitat Areas: A Case Study of Tiger Corridor of Rajasthan, India
, pages 1–8
Tiger habitat vulnerability
Mapping of Physical Vulnerability in Tiger Habitat Areas: A Case Study of Tiger Corridor of Rajasthan, India
, pages 1–8
Time Series Analysis
Exploring Urban Dynamics from Bluetooth Tracking Data: A Case Study of Austin, Texas
, pages 1–6
Time-distance visualization
Mapping time-distance
, pages 1–5
Topographic Maps
Depiction of Line Features on Folded Maps on Example of Old Maps of the Vltava River
, pages 1–4
On the SCJ report "Challenges for the national standardisation of geographical names in Japan"
, pages 1–5
Traffic Congestion
Floating Car Data and Fuzzy Logic for classifying congestion indexes in the city of Shanghai
, pages 1–7
Traffic maps
Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists
, pages 1–5
Enriching complex road intersections from OSM with traffic-related behavioral information
, pages 1–3
Traffic simulation
Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists
, pages 1–5
Enriching complex road intersections from OSM with traffic-related behavioral information
, pages 1–3
Traffic situations
Enriching complex road intersections from OSM with traffic-related behavioral information
, pages 1–3
Training computer programs
A New Approach to Teaching C++ Programming for Cartography Students by Means Training Programs with Emphasizing Cartography and Geodesy
, pages 1–6
Travel behavior
Enriching complex road intersections from OSM with traffic-related behavioral information
, pages 1–3
Travel time
Mapping time-distance
, pages 1–5
Turning maneuvers
Enriching complex road intersections from OSM with traffic-related behavioral information
, pages 1–3
target point
Restorement of early 19
century’s Geomagnetic declinations in Japan, from Tadataka Inoh’s survey azimuth ledger
, pages 1–10
The Republic of Indonesia Territorial Atlas as Geo-literation Tools for the Adolescents
, pages 1–8
the Vltava River
Depiction of Line Features on Folded Maps on Example of Old Maps of the Vltava River
, pages 1–4
thematic mapping
A comprehensive workflow for automating thematic map geovisualization from univariate big geospatial point data
, pages 1–8
thematic maps
On the Way to an Information System of Russian Transport Networks
, pages 1–5
Initiative aiming to introduce children to maps in Kenya
, pages 1–4
A new work of the National Atlas of Spain called
Spain on Maps. A Geographic Synopsis
has been published
, pages 1–8
Alternate thematic maps to visualize United Nations Sustainable Development Goal indicator data
, pages 1–8
tile map
Alternate thematic maps to visualize United Nations Sustainable Development Goal indicator data
, pages 1–8
time cartogram
Time-space Visualization of Automobile and Airplane Travel Time from Chicago to Various Destination Cities
, pages 1–8
time visualization
Time-space Visualization of Automobile and Airplane Travel Time from Chicago to Various Destination Cities
, pages 1–8
Time-space Visualization of Automobile and Airplane Travel Time from Chicago to Various Destination Cities
, pages 1–8
topographic map
Contour Lines Generation in Karstic Plateaus for Topographic Maps
, pages 1–8
Toponyms’ contribution to identity: The case study of Rabat (Morocco)
, pages 1–7
Learning Method that Facilitates User Understanding of Changes in the Kyoto Townscape: Utilizing a Smartphone Application with the Kyoto City Tram and Bus Photograph Database
, pages 1–8
traffic management
A framework for automatically visualizing and recommending efficient routes
, pages 1–8
training of Geography teachers
Cartographical Knowledge and Training of Geography Teachers
, pages 1–6
Semantically Enriched Simplification of Trajectories
, pages 1–8
Harmonization of different type of coordinate systems used for North Macedonian official spatial data
, pages 1–6
transport network
On the Way to an Information System of Russian Transport Networks
, pages 1–5
travel time
Time-space Visualization of Automobile and Airplane Travel Time from Chicago to Various Destination Cities
, pages 1–8
Spatial Analysis to Identify Factors Affecting Residential Land Prices in Disaster Areas
, pages 1–4
On the SCJ report "Challenges for the national standardisation of geographical names in Japan"
, pages 1–5
UX design
Examination of car navigation systems and UX designs – suggestion for a new interface
, pages 1–7
Urban design
Combined GPS and motion-tracker data for activity levels and various route selections in everyday travel
, pages 1–3
User experience
Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists
, pages 1–5
universal design
Improvement suggestions for problems of hazard map from the viewpoint of color scheme
, pages 1–7
urban cartography
Urban cartography in the morphogenetic analysis of urban spaces: the case of the Boavista axis in the city of Porto
, pages 1–10
urban fabric and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Using building types and demographic data to improve our understanding and use of urban sprawl simulation
, pages 1–8
urban green space
Integrating spatial accessibility estimates derived from crowdsourced, commercial, and authoritative geo-datasets: Case study of mapping accessibility to urban green space in the Tokyo-Yokohama area
, pages 1–5
urban morphogenesis
Urban cartography in the morphogenetic analysis of urban spaces: the case of the Boavista axis in the city of Porto
, pages 1–10
urban parks
Integrating spatial accessibility estimates derived from crowdsourced, commercial, and authoritative geo-datasets: Case study of mapping accessibility to urban green space in the Tokyo-Yokohama area
, pages 1–5
urban planning
Mapping Gentrification in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles: Using Geographic Information System (GIS) Analytical Tools
, pages 1–8
urban sprawl
Using building types and demographic data to improve our understanding and use of urban sprawl simulation
, pages 1–8
Usability problems and literacy of online maps
, pages 1–6
Conceptual framework for enhancing visual change point analysis in generalized multi-temporal displays
, pages 1–7
Valles Marineris
Mapping Mars’s Eastern Valles Marineris
, pages 1–13
Viewpoint location
Finding hotspots by location-direction-enabled photographs focusing on intersection of lines of sight
, pages 1–5
Virtual Reality
Modern Archeological Mapping: Towards Immersive VR Use in Archeology
, pages 1–8
Visual analytics
Reaffirmation of J. Bertin's Ordinal Matrix for business strategy decision – taking apart of visualized data on map and reconstruction by the Ordinal Matrix
, pages 1–8
Using Cartograms for Visualizing extended Floating Car Data (xFCD)
, pages 1–7
Vltava River
3D Model of Historical Vltava River Valley: Combination of Sources
, pages 1–5
Volunteered Geographic Information
Integrating spatial accessibility estimates derived from crowdsourced, commercial, and authoritative geo-datasets: Case study of mapping accessibility to urban green space in the Tokyo-Yokohama area
, pages 1–5
A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System in the Analysis of Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria
, pages 1–7
Individual level heat risk evaluation using GPS towards smart navigation system
, pages 1–5
Vulnerable road users
Enriching complex road intersections from OSM with traffic-related behavioral information
, pages 1–3
vector tile data
Multilingualization Experiment of Geographical Name Information Using Vector Title Format
, pages 1–3
3D Model of Historical Vltava River Valley: Combination of Sources
, pages 1–5
virtual hologram
Space-Time Cube and Mixed Reality – New Approaches to Support Understanding Historical Landscape Changes
, pages 1–7
virtual reality
From third-person to first-person cartographies with immersive virtual environments
, pages 1–7
visual analytics
Visual Analytics for Regional Economic Environment Factors Based on a Dashboard Design
, pages 1–8
visual language
Procedural Knowledge of Graphic Design for Analysing Graphic Elements in Historical Urban Maps
, pages 1–7
Research and implementation of big data visualization based on WebGIS
, pages 1–6
Digital Terrain Representation Methods and Red Relief Image Map, A New Visualization Approach
, pages 1–3
volunteered geographic information
How an augmented reality game (Pokémon GO) affected volunteer contributions to OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–4
Web Tiled Map Management System
LevelFilesSet: An efficient Data Structure for Scalable Web Tiled Map Management Systems
, pages 1–10
Web mapping
Developing Interactive Map Apps for an Exhibition on the Topic ‘Fremdsein’: a Joint Endeavour by Students and Lecturers
, pages 1–8
Web-based visualization
SDG Viz: A Web-based System for Visualizing Sustainable Development Indicators
, pages 1–8
Research and implementation of big data visualization based on WebGIS
, pages 1–6
3D Visualization Process and Efficiency Analysis of Geographic Information Based on WebGL
, pages 1–5
Use of 19th century cartographic source materials to study spatial changes of villages in Wielkopolska (Poland)
, pages 1–5
Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean
, pages 1–7
water detection
Dynamics of lake area on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau from 2000 to 2015
, pages 1–7
web application
Database of Historical Atlases: An Interactive Web Application
, pages 1–4
web map system
Multilingualization Experiment of Geographical Name Information Using Vector Title Format
, pages 1–3
Digital cartography for geoheritage: turning an analogue geotourist map into digital
, pages 1–7
A comprehensive workflow for automating thematic map geovisualization from univariate big geospatial point data
, pages 1–8
Anticipating the Flood. Community-based cartography for disaster flood events in Argentina
, pages 1–8
Yunnan-Vietnam Railway
The application of GIS in railway heritage management: the case of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway
, pages 1–7
Application of Method for Calculating Sky View Factor Using Google Street View: Relation Between Sky View Factor and Physical Elements in Urban Space
, pages 1–8
zoom level
Influence of Viewing Field on Zoom Levels in Pedestrian Orientation Task Using Smartphones
, pages 1–9
伊能忠敬 Tadataka Inoh
Restorement of early 19
century’s Geomagnetic declinations in Japan, from Tadataka Inoh’s survey azimuth ledger
, pages 1–10
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
山島方位記 Santou-Houi-Ki
Restorement of early 19
century’s Geomagnetic declinations in Japan, from Tadataka Inoh’s survey azimuth ledger
, pages 1–10
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
Global influence of the map of Japan produced by Japanese cartographer Sekisui Nagakubo
, pages 1–7
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